Search results for error detection

Political science Apr 30, 2024

Study: Racial bias is no 'false alarm' in policing

Black drivers are more frequently searched during traffic stops without finding contraband than white drivers, according to a University of Michigan study.

Quantum Physics Apr 29, 2024

New system boosts efficiency of quantum error correction

The fragile qubits that make up quantum computers offer a powerful computational tool, yet also present a conundrum: How can engineers create practical, workable quantum systems out of bits that are so easily disturbed—and ...

Nanophysics Apr 24, 2024

Ultrasensitive photonic crystal detects single particles down to 50 nanometers

Using an ultrasensitive photonic crystal, TU/e researchers were able to detect single particles down to 50 nanometers in diameter. The new research has just been published in the journal Optica.

Cell & Microbiology Apr 24, 2024

Biomolecular condensates: Study reveals poor predictive power of established liquid-liquid phase separation assays

Cells buzz with millions of different biomolecules that diffuse chaotically through their substructures, yet they manage to ensure exquisite functional and spatial specificity.

Biochemistry Apr 23, 2024

New toolkit makes molecular dynamics simulations more accessible

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations have become a powerful tool in the ever-growing fields of molecular biology and drug development. While many MD simulation techniques exist, parallel cascade selection MD (PaCS-MD) is a ...

Ecology Apr 22, 2024

Without proper management, Brazil's Cerrado becomes disfigured and less resilient to climate change

A study conducted over a period of 14 years in the Brazilian savanna-like biome shows its typical vegetation rapidly becoming "cerradão"—a biodiversity-poor forest formation—while resistance to drought and wildfires ...

Quantum Physics Apr 22, 2024

Steering toward quantum simulation at scale

Researchers simulated a key quantum state at one of the largest scales reported, with support from the Quantum Computing User Program, or QCUP, at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

General Physics Apr 19, 2024

Ghost particle on the scales: Research offers more precise determination of neutrino mass

What is the mass of a neutrino at rest? This is one of the big unanswered questions in physics. Neutrinos play a central role in nature. A team led by Klaus Blaum, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics ...

Earth Sciences Apr 16, 2024

More climate-warming methane leaks into the atmosphere than ever gets reported

Far more methane, a potent greenhouse gas, is being released from landfills and oil and gas operations around the world than governments realized, recent airborne and satellite surveys show. That's a problem for the climate ...

Bio & Medicine Apr 8, 2024

New diagnostic tool achieves accuracy of PCR tests with faster and simpler nanopore system

Over the past four years, many of us have become accustomed to a swab up the nose to test for COVID-19, using at-home rapid antigen tests or the more accurate clinic-provided PCR tests with a longer processing time. Now a ...

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