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Environment Aug 3, 2023

Do phrases like 'global boiling' help or hinder climate action?

Last week, United Nations General Secretary António Guterres coined an arresting new term. The era of global warming has ended, he declared dramatically, and the era of "global boiling" has arrived.

Environment Jul 19, 2023

The hidden cost of the AI boom: Social and environmental exploitation

Mainstream conversations about artificial intelligence (AI) have been dominated by a few key concerns, such as whether superintelligent AI will wipe us out, or whether AI will steal our jobs. But we've paid less attention ...

Social Sciences Jul 17, 2023

Why am I online? Research shows it's often about managing emotions

Most of us go online multiple times a day. About half of 18- to 29-year-olds surveyed in a 2021 Pew Research Study said they are "almost constantly" connected.

Social Sciences Jul 10, 2023

Study explores the complex connections between managerial feedback and creative outcomes

The growing popularity of crowdsourcing and other forms of open innovation reflects the pressing need that companies have for creative ideas that go beyond the organizational same-old, same-old.

Earth Sciences Jul 10, 2023

Ice stupas have become a popular water management tool in the Himalayas, but can they work in Chile?

Every winter across the Himalayas for decades, human-made reservoirs have been capturing glacial meltwater from streams and preserving it in the form of ice. By slowing meltwater down or spraying it into the air, people cause ...

Space Exploration Jun 5, 2023

NASA, SpaceX launch solar arrays, cargo to space station

Following a successful launch of NASA's SpaceX 28th commercial resupply services mission, two new solar arrays, science investigations, and supplies are on their way to the International Space Station.

Plants & Animals May 17, 2023

Female Gila monster fights surprisingly violent, study finds

A new study published on May 10 in the journal Royal Society Open Science has shown that in the Gila monster, a large venomous lizard, encounters between females are far more intense and violent than interactions between ...

Social Sciences May 9, 2023

Why rural Canadians need public transit just as urgently as suburbanites

Transportation within and between Canadian communities is frustrating at best. At worst it's impossible.

Biotechnology Apr 7, 2023

AlphaFault: High schoolers give fabled AI a problem it can't crack

A bioinformatics boot camp for high schoolers at Skoltech turned into a venue for the latest chapter in the ongoing contest between humans and artificial intelligence in science. Having earlier resolved a key 50-year-old ...

Space Exploration Mar 17, 2023

The best way to learn about Venus could be with a fleet of balloons

Interest in the exploration of Venus has kicked up a notch lately, especially after a contested recent discovery of phosphine, a potential biosignature, in the planet's atmosphere. Plenty of missions to Venus have been proposed, ...

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