Search results for crackling

General Physics Sep 14, 2022

MICROSCOPE mission presents most precise test of general relativity's Weak Equivalence Principle

In new studies published in Physical Review Letters and a special issue of Classical and Quantum Gravity on September 14, a team of researchers present the most precise test yet of the Weak Equivalence Principle, a key component ...

Environment Jul 19, 2022

Wildfires ravage Spanish region twice in a month

Just a month after a huge wildfire ravaged Spain's northwestern province of Zamora, flames are once again consuming swathes of the region as locals helplessly watch their land being destroyed.

Plants & Animals Jun 21, 2022

Modern phoenix: The bird brought back from extinction in Japan

Every day for the past 14 years, 72-year-old Masaoki Tsuchiya has set out before sunrise to search for a bird rescued from extinction in Japan.

Earth Sciences Jun 10, 2022

Lab earthquake study justifies pumping CO2 underground to avert climate warming

A Skoltech professor and his colleagues from the Norwegian Seismic Array and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S., have run an experiment that reproduces the injection of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide ...

Plants & Animals May 25, 2022

Snap, crackle, pop: Healthy coral reefs are brimming with noise

A healthy coral reef is loud. Like a busy city, the infrastructure leads to more organisms and activity, and more background noise. Every time an invertebrate drags their hard shell over the coral, or a fish takes a bite ...

Planetary Sciences May 16, 2022

The aurora borealis can be heard even when it can't be seen

Professor Emeritus Unto K. Laine of Aalto University has made recordings of auroral sounds, showing that the phenomenon is much more common than previously believed and occurs even in the absence of visible northern lights. ...

Plants & Animals May 13, 2022

Baby oysters follow the crackling sound of snapping shrimp

Though oysters may be brainless bivalves, they can "hear" and swim towards attractive sounds of the sea.

Soft Matter Apr 21, 2022

Designing the perfect piece of chocolate

We like some foods, and dislike others. Of course, the way food tastes is important, but mouthfeel, and even the sound that food makes when we bite it, also determine whether we enjoy the eating experience. Is it possible ...

Astronomy Dec 1, 2021

New research effort shines more light on black hole collisions

While light can't escape the monstrous gravity of a black hole, that hasn't kept researchers on a team that includes UO scientists from taking a big step forward in the effort to reveal their secrets.

Earth Sciences Nov 29, 2021

Can lithium cure what ails the Salton Sea?

Studying the complexity of mud on the ocean floor is a life's work for Timothy Lyons, so when the tall and lean biogeochemist asks you to join an expedition in search of chemical mysteries buried deep beneath the waves, be ...

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