Search results for biographical information

Social Sciences Nov 4, 2016

Fake Tweets, real consequences for the election

Software robots masquerading as humans are influencing the political discourse on social media as never before and could threaten the very integrity of the 2016 U.S. presidential election, said Emilio Ferrara, a computer ...

Archaeology Aug 29, 2016

Ancient dental plaque sheds new light on the diet of Mesolithic foragers in the Balkans

The study of dental calculus from Late Mesolithic individuals from the site of Vlasac in the Danube Gorges of the central Balkans has provided direct evidence that Mesolithic foragers of this region consumed domestic cereals ...

Other Aug 4, 2016

Expanding citizen science models to enhance open innovation

Over the years, citizen scientists have provided vital data and contributed in invaluable ways to various scientific quests. But they're typically relegated to helping traditional scientists complete tasks the pros don't ...

Business Jun 13, 2016

Microsoft shifts to social with huge LinkedIn deal (Update 3)

Microsoft on Monday shifted its focus to social networking with a massive $26.2 billion deal for professional social network LinkedIn.

Environment Mar 21, 2016

DNA markers tell the story of deep sea adaptation

When you think about the deep sea, you might conjure up an image of the angler fish as portrayed in Finding Nemo or the white whale in Moby Dick—in short, you might envision a dark, mysterious, terrifying world miles beneath ...

Other Mar 17, 2016

What's in a name

Family names are more than simply a means of identification. Linking one generation to the next, they serve as conduits to the past, helping us better understand who we are, where we came from and, in some cases, where we ...

Other Feb 18, 2016

Border checkpoint scans eyes, faces of departing foreigners (Update)

The federal government is using eye scans and facial recognition technology for the first time to verify the identities of foreigners leaving the United States on foot—a trial move aimed at closing a longstanding security ...

Software Feb 11, 2016

Cruz app data collection helps campaign read minds of voters

Protecting the privacy of law-abiding citizens from the government is a pillar of Ted Cruz's Republican presidential candidacy, but his campaign is testing the limits of siphoning personal data from supporters.

Security Jan 30, 2016

A look at federal cases on handling classified information

News that Hillary Clinton's home email server contained top-secret messages brings renewed attention to the security of her mail system and to the laws and regulations that control classified information.

Other Dec 10, 2015

US launches trial of facial, eye scans on Mexican border

The federal government on Thursday began collecting facial and eye scans of foreigners entering the U.S. at a busy border crossing with Mexico, a first step in one of its most ambitious efforts to track people who stay in ...

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