Search results for acs chemical neuroscience

Biochemistry Mar 20, 2013

Explaining how extra virgin olive oil protects against Alzheimer's disease

The mystery of exactly how consumption of extra virgin olive oil helps reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) may lie in one component of olive oil that helps shuttle the abnormal AD proteins out of the brain, scientists ...

Other Jun 6, 2012

1 million billion billion billion billion billion billion: Number of undiscovered drugs

occupied not by stars and planets but substances that could become useful in everyday life – has concluded that scientists have synthesized barely one tenth of 1 percent of the potential medicines that could be made. ...

Analytical Chemistry Oct 26, 2011

Advance toward a breath test to diagnose multiple sclerosis

Scientists are reporting the development and successful tests in humans of a sensor array that can diagnose multiple sclerosis (MS) from exhaled breath, an advance that they describe as a landmark in the long search for a ...

Other Mar 25, 2011

Patterns found in laboratory spark insight into nature and society

( -- Irv Epstein's research is proving that patterns found in mathematical formulas and chemical reactions may be used to understand economics, how an epidemic might spread and the way animal populations survive ...

Bio & Medicine May 14, 2010

Molecule-sized bait used by researchers to fish for new drug targets

( -- The new technique, in which molecules are used as bait to capture and study large biomolecules, could lead to a new generation of psychiatric medications.

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