Search results for Spider

Evolution May 10, 2024

Why evolution often favors small animals and other organisms

Small really does seem to be beautiful in evolutionary terms. The largest dinosaurs, pterosaurs and mammals may look impressive but these giants are vastly outnumbered by microscopic bacteria and single-celled algae and fungi. ...

Ecology May 8, 2024

Researchers conduct survey on attitudes toward urban animals and where people want them to live

How do city residents feel about animals in their immediate surroundings? A recent study published in the Journal of Urban Ecology by the Technical University of Munich (TUM), the University of Jena and the Vienna University ...

Plants & Animals May 7, 2024

Discovery of structural specialization in myriapod ovaries

Elaborate observations reveal the structural specialization within an epithelial layer covering oocytes in the Japanese pill-millipede, Hyleoglomeris japonica, considered absent in Myriapoda. Comparing this result with previous ...

Plants & Animals May 6, 2024

Collecting live snakes in remote Amazon regions for study is no easy taskā€”here's how we do it

Brazil records an average of 29,000 snakebites a year, leading to around 130 deaths. And it is in the Amazon that the greatest number of cases occur. This region is home to 38 of the 75 species of venomous snakes recorded ...

Plants & Animals May 3, 2024

Research discovers plants utilize drought stress hormone to block snacking spider mites

Recent findings that plants employ a drought-survival mechanism to also defend against nutrient-sucking pests could inform future crop breeding programs aimed at achieving better broadscale pest control.

General Physics Apr 30, 2024

Robots can't outrun animals. A new study explores why

The question may be the 21st century's version of the fable of the tortoise and the hare: Who would win in a foot race between a robot and an animal?

Polymers Apr 29, 2024

Scientists develop strong yet reusable adhesive from smart materials

Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed a smart, reusable adhesive more than 10 times stronger than a gecko's feet adhesion, pointing the way for development of reusable ...

Paleontology & Fossils Apr 29, 2024

Researchers spent two years in deep underground caves to bring this extraordinary fossil to light

Pitch-black darkness. Crushing squeezes, muddy passages, icy waterfalls. Bats and spiders. Abseiling over ledges into the unknown. How far would you go for a fossil?

Ecology Apr 26, 2024

You might find a rare species in your backyard: How global citizen science contributes to biodiversity knowledge

While it can be hard for us to notice as we go about our busy lives, cities are filled with indigenous plants, fungi, insects, spiders and other little creatures, as well as birds, frogs and reptiles.

Planetary Sciences Apr 24, 2024

Signs of 'spider' phenomenon on Mars

ESA's Mars Express has snapped the telltale traces of "spiders" scattered across the southern polar region of Mars.

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