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Search results for Shuttle Discovery

Space Exploration May 22, 2023

Space station welcomes 2 Saudi visitors, including kingdom's 1st female astronaut

The International Space Station rolled out the welcome mat Monday for two Saudi visitors, including the kingdom's first female astronaut.

Cell & Microbiology Apr 26, 2023

Solving the mystery behind how nutrients enter cells

For the nutrients that feed our cells to reach their destination, proteins embedded in the cell membrane often must shuttle what's needed across the threshold. When this system breaks down and metabolites fail to reach their ...

Astronomy Apr 20, 2023

Hubble celebrates 33rd anniversary with a peek into nearby star-forming region

Astronomers are celebrating NASA's Hubble Space Telescope's 33rd launch anniversary with an ethereal photo of a nearby star-forming region, NGC 1333. The nebula is in the Perseus molecular cloud, and located approximately ...

Bio & Medicine Apr 3, 2023

Lipid nanoparticles engineered to specifically target pancreas in mouse model

Therapeutics that use mRNA—like some of the COVID-19 vaccines—have enormous potential for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. These therapeutics work by shuttling mRNA "instructions" into target cells, providing ...

Molecular & Computational biology Mar 10, 2023

Discovering a protein's 'elevator motion' could spur new cancer treatments

Michigan State University researcher Jian Hu has taken another important step in learning as much as possible about tiny protein machines that help shuttle metals into living cells.

Analytical Chemistry Feb 24, 2023

Locking and unlocking molecular structures on demand

Researchers at Kanazawa University report in Angewandte Chemie International Edition how the formation and deformation speed of interlocked molecular structures called rotaxanes can be tuned—a discovery that may lead to ...

Bio & Medicine Feb 22, 2023

Nanomaterial boosts potency of coronavirus disinfectants

The use of peroxide-based disinfectants has grown with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, the extensive use of chemical disinfectants to kill viruses and other pathogens can also threaten human health and ecosystems.

Cell & Microbiology Feb 6, 2023

New study on key protein found in kidney and brain opens avenues to treating diseases

The devil so often is in the details. For proteins that orchestrate the molecular business of life, there are devils and angels in their details, down to the proteins' constituent atoms. It's at that level of structural minutiae ...

Space Exploration Jan 30, 2023

Columbia disaster that scuttled the space shuttle

America may now be aiming to put astronauts back on the Moon, but for years the United States turned its back on manned missions after the Columbia space shuttle disaster.

Biochemistry Jan 11, 2023

Sweet discovery has potential for effective new virus and cancer drug treatments

Scientists have discovered sugar-based molecules can be used to block activity of a receptor in cells that are involved in the development a range of viral infections and cancer.

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