Search results for continuous variable quantum

Quantum Physics May 29, 2012

Physicists store short movies in an atomic vapor

The storage of light-encoded messages on film and compact disks and as holograms is ubiquitous---grocery scanners, Netflix disks, credit-card images are just a few examples. And now light signals can be stored as patterns ...

Quantum Physics Apr 3, 2017

'Virtual' interferometers may overcome scale issues for optical quantum computers

It's not the size of the interferometer that matters; it's how you use it. So claim a team of researchers from RMIT University, the University of Sydney and University of Technology Sydney, who have devised an entirely new ...

Quantum Physics Sep 27, 2016

Quantum computing advances with control of entanglement

When the quantum computer was imagined 30 years ago, it was revered for its potential to quickly and accurately complete practical tasks often considered impossible for mere humans and for conventional computers. But, there ...

Quantum Physics Nov 20, 2017

Physicists unify quantum coherence with nonclassicality of light

(—Physicists have demonstrated that two independently developed concepts—quantum coherence and the nonclassicality of light—both arise from the same underlying resources. The ability to explain seemingly distinct ...

General Physics Jan 21, 2020

High-precision distributed sensing using an entangled quantum network

Quantum-enhanced metrology has been an active area of research for several years now due to its many possible applications, ranging from atomic clocks to biological imaging. Past physics research established that having a ...

Quantum Physics Sep 30, 2015

Scientists produce status check on quantum teleportation

Mention the word 'teleportation' and for many people it conjures up "Beam me up, Scottie" images of Captain James T Kirk. But in the last two decades quantum teleportation – transferring the quantum structure of an object ...

Quantum Physics Apr 1, 2015

Quantum teleportation on a chip

The core circuits of quantum teleportation, which generate and detect quantum entanglement, have been successfully integrated into a photonic chip by an international team of scientists from the universities of Bristol, Tokyo, ...

Optics & Photonics Feb 28, 2019

Exchanging information securely using quantum communication in future fiber-optic networks

Searching for better security during data transmission, governments and other organizations around the world have been investing in and developing technologies related to quantum communication and related encryption methods. ...

Quantum Physics Nov 19, 2013

Student creates world's largest quantum cluster

( —Australian National University PhD student Seiji Armstrong has made a quantum leap towards next-generation computing.

Quantum Physics Dec 7, 2015

Einstein's 'spooky' steering needed for secure quantum teleportation

'Teleportation' – the word evokes images of the fictional Star Trek universe where humans and objects are 'beamed' to another location.

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