Search results for nuclear generating station

Economics & Business Feb 22, 2023

South Africa's power crisis: Going off the grid works for the wealthy—but could deepen injustice for the poor

South Africa's current electricity crisis has been described as "a perfect storm". A number of factors have converged to reach this point: an aging and inadequately maintained fleet of coal power stations, delays in upgrading ...

Space Exploration Feb 3, 2023

France pledges not to conduct anti-satellite missile tests but leaves other options open

Driven by concerns over space debris, in late November the French Ministry for the Armed Forces formally committed not to conduct anti-satellite missile tests. And yet, France's space strategy of 2019 resolved to "toughen" ...

Other Dec 9, 2022

Best of Last Year: The top articles of 2022

It was a good year for research of all kinds as three men shared the Nobel Prize in physics for their work that showed that tiny particles separated from one another at great distances can be entangled. Alain Aspect, John ...

Earth Sciences Nov 25, 2022

Stripping carbon from the atmosphere might be needed to avoid dangerous warming—but it's a deeply uncertain prospect

Australia's latest State of the Climate Report offers grim reading. As if recent floods weren't bad enough, the report warns of worsening fire seasons, more drought years and, when rain comes, more intense downpours. It begs ...

Environment Oct 24, 2022

Global climate summit is heading for a geopolitical hurricane

The last time world leaders got together for a climate summit, the backdrop was thoroughly menacing. A pandemic had decimated national budgets. Poor countries were up in arms over the hoarding of COVID-19 vaccines by the ...

Earth Sciences Oct 18, 2022

One does not simply detonate a volcano into Mordor: A scientist explains the problems with that Rings of Power episode

In the blockbuster fantasy series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, one of the principal antagonists, the wicked Adar, diverted a river into the labyrinth of tunnels under a dormant Mount Doom to trigger an explosive ...

Earth Sciences Aug 22, 2022

Tonga volcano eruption released more energy than the most powerful nuclear bomb

The eruption of the underwater volcano in Tonga that triggered a tsunami earlier this year (January 2022), released more energy than the Tsar Bomba—the most powerful nuclear bomb ever detonated—according to a new study.

Space Exploration Jul 12, 2022

China is considering a nuclear-powered mission to Neptune

One look at the Planetary Decadal Survey for 2023–2032, and you will see some bold and cutting-edge mission proposals for the coming decade. Examples include a Uranus orbiter and probe (UOP) that would study Uranus' interior, ...

Plasma Physics May 25, 2022

How the universe got its magnetic field

When we look out into space, all of the astrophysical objects that we see are embedded in magnetic fields. This is true not only in the neighborhood of stars and planets, but also in the deep space between galaxies and galactic ...

Space Exploration Apr 29, 2022

Fireball spotted over southern Mississippi, NASA confirms

A loud boom prefaced a streaking fireball spotted in three Southern states, scientists confirmed Thursday.

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