Search results for admittance

Hi Tech & Innovation Jan 17, 2012

MIT lab working on wristband to allow for individual control of local building environment

( -- MIT Media Lab has announced that a team of researchers working in the Responsive Environments Group is hard at it trying to come up with just the right sort of wrist bracelet that could interface with a building ...

Social Sciences Mar 9, 2010

Female teachers ask for work/family reconciliation to be able to access management posts

A research team made up of various Andalusian universities and coordinated by the University of Huelva (UHU) has concluded that the main barrier that these professionals encounter when accessing management roles is the lack ...

Internet Jun 30, 2006

China cracks down on blogs, search engines

(AP) -- China's Internet regulators are stepping up controls on blogs and search engines to block material it considers unlawful or immoral, the government said Friday.

Oct 15, 2005

Purdue refutes report on college reactors

Purdue University officials refuted allegations in an ABC-TV News report concerning the safety of nuclear reactors on U.S. college campuses.

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