Search results for Sharp Corporation

Social Sciences Jul 20, 2020

Facebook diversity report: Efforts still failing Black and Hispanic employees, especially women

After years of pledges to close the racial gap, Facebook is still struggling to hire, promote and retain Black employees at a critical moment in corporate America's reckoning with systemic inequities.

Economics & Business Jul 8, 2020

Study shows cities have stopped providing middle-class work in recent decades

The great U.S. economic boom after World War II was an urban phenomenon. Tens of millions of Americans flocked to cities to work and forge a future in the nation's middle class. And for a few decades, living in the big city ...

Education Jul 7, 2020

New rules: Foreign pupils must leave US if classes go online

International students will be forced to leave the U.S. or transfer to another college if their schools offer classes entirely online this fall, under new guidelines issued Monday by federal immigration authorities.

Social Sciences Jun 25, 2020

Repurposing spaces left vacant by COVID-19 could breathe new life into cities, says researcher

In the wake of economic fallout from COVID-19, urban centres could see a sharp increase in abandoned spaces as some businesses are forced to close.

Environment Jun 11, 2020

Pretty in pink: India crater lake changes colour overnight

A crater lake in India's western Maharashtra state has turned pink overnight, delighting nature enthusiasts and surprising experts who attributed it to changing salinity levels and the presence of algae in the water.

Astronomy May 22, 2020

The bold plan to see continents and oceans on another Earth

What if we could take a picture of an Earth-like planet around another star that was sharp enough to see continents, oceans, and clouds?

Economics & Business May 18, 2020

How can the global aviation industry chart its way out of COVID-19?

The travel and commercial airline industry has suffered considerable damage as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Economics & Business Apr 13, 2020

The coronavirus crisis: A catalyst for entrepreneurship

Throughout human history, crises have been pivotal in developing our societies. Pandemics have helped advance health-care systems, wars have fuelled technological innovations and the global financial crisis helped advance ...

Economics & Business Mar 23, 2020

As pandemic unfolds, fear and finance collide

Despite global efforts to stall the spread of the novel coronavirus, growing fears surrounding the pandemic have caused markets to respond with record-breaking volatility. On Monday, the nation's volatility index, often referred ...

Environment Feb 27, 2020

Can we stop offshoring our plastic problem?

The UK's new Environment Bill, which returns to the House of Commons for its second reading today (February 26th) has been touted by the government as a landmark piece of legislation that will see Britain "lead the way at ...

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