Search results for zeolite

Nanomaterials Jan 26, 2011

High-performance capacitor could lead to better rechargeable batteries

( -- In order to develop next-generation electric vehicles, solar energy systems, and other clean energy technologies, researchers need an efficient way to store the energy. One of the key energy storage devices ...

Materials Science Jan 5, 2011

The generality of surface vanadium oxide phases in mixed oxide catalysts

In the spirit of the physicist's pursuit of a 'theory of everything,' Israel E. Wachs, the G. Whitney Snyder Professor of Chemical Engineering at Lehigh University, has published a paper entitled "The generality of surface ...

Materials Science Jan 5, 2011

Better indoor air starts with minerals

One of the sources of emission for pollutants in living spaces are particleboards glued with adhesives that contain formaldehyde. There is a new method that will now provide another way to reduce these vapors. The trick can ...

Materials Science Dec 13, 2010

Expert discusses using small-pore zeolites to remove troublesome pollutant from exhaust

( -- While the reactions that eliminate smog-causing nitrogen oxides from automotive tail pipes appear straightforward, there is far more happening than the standard freshmen textbook shows. Professor Raul Lobo ...

Analytical Chemistry Dec 10, 2010

Utilizing Raman spectroscopy to monitor catalysts in action

Israel E. Wachs, G. Whitney Snyder Professor of Chemical Engineering at Lehigh University, and Charles A. Roberts, a graduate student at Lehigh, have published a critical review on Raman spectroscopy entitled “Monitoring ...

Energy & Green Tech Nov 30, 2010

Search for high quality fuels from inexpensive biomass gets breakthrough

Chemical engineering experts at The University of Nottingham have helped a team of international researchers find a way of producing inexpensive renewable liquid fuel out of low grade oils made from renewable products such ...

Materials Science Nov 25, 2010

A high-yield biomass alternative to petroleum for industrial chemicals

A team of University of Massachusetts Amherst chemical engineers report in today's issue of Science that they have developed a way to produce high-volume chemical feedstocks including benzene, toluene, xylenes and olefins ...

Environment Oct 21, 2010

Radioactivity from groundwater will be filtered for decades by volcanic rocks at Western New York nuclear waste site

( -- A massive treatment wall under construction this week at a Western New York nuclear waste cleanup site will stop radioactive contamination in its tracks for literally decades, according to University at ...

Energy & Green Tech Sep 16, 2010

Research aims to lighten load carried by soldiers

A University of California, Riverside Bourns College of Engineering professor and a team of researchers nationwide were recently awarded a five-year, $6.25 million grant to develop a greener, lighter-weight and longer-lasting ...

Materials Science Aug 26, 2010

In or out: Setting a trap for radioactive iodine

Nuclear power plants produce a host of radioactive isotopes as by-products. One such radioisotope is Iodine-129 (129I). With a half-life of nearly 16 million years, the 129I produced by nuclear power plants will be sticking ...

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