See also stories tagged with Holography

Search results for hologram

Internet Mar 19, 2014

Internet founders say flexible framework was key to explosive growth

Speaking before an overflow crowd in Princeton University's Friend Center auditorium, Internet pioneers Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf said that flexibility, both social and technical, has been central to the growth and resilience ...

Computer Sciences Mar 14, 2014

Crowdsourcing for creating 3D videos

Advanced graphics processors, new algorithms and advanced mathematics will soon make a new 3D video technology gathering feed from multiple sources possible.

Energy & Green Tech Mar 11, 2014

Is anyone asking people what they want from the smart cities of the future?

Future cities, where infrastructure adapts to our needs, offer are an enticing prospect. But who is in the driving seat as these urban developments crop up around the world? We need to make sure that the people who will actually ...

General Physics Feb 19, 2014

Researchers demonstrate holographic memory device

( —A team of researchers from the University of California, Riverside Bourns College of Engineering and Russian Academy of Science have demonstrated a new type of holographic memory device that could provide unprecedented ...

Cell & Microbiology Feb 11, 2014

First 3-D movies of living sperm

To improve their chances of success, in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics need to assess the viability of the sperm they use. Now doctors may soon have a new technique to help them sort the good sperm cells from the less ...

Optics & Photonics Jan 22, 2014

Holographic diagnostics

( —'Smart' holograms, which are currently being tested to monitor diabetes, and could be used to monitor a wide range of medical and environmental conditions in future, have been developed by researchers.

Telecom Jan 22, 2014

S. Korea to spend $1.5 bn on 5G 'movie-in-a-second' service

South Korea, already one of the most wired countries on earth, Wednesday announced a 1.6 trillion won ($1.5 billion) plan to roll out a next-generation 5G wireless service quick enough to download full-length films in a second.

Nanophysics Jan 9, 2014

Meta-hologram produces dual images and multiple colors (w/ Video)

( —Holograms have attracted wide attention for their ability to produce a realistic 3D image of an object by recording the object's light field and later reconstructing the light field on a 2D surface. Now researchers ...

Other Jan 8, 2014

Laundering money—literally—could save billions of dollars

A dollar bill gets around, passing from hand to hand, falling on streets and sidewalks, eventually getting so grimy that a bank machine flags it and sends it to the shredder. Rather than destroying it, scientists have developed ...

General Physics Jan 7, 2014

New holographic process uses image-stabilized X-ray camera

A team headed by Stefan Eisebitt has developed a new X-ray holography method that will enable snap-shots of dynamic processes at highest spatial resolution. The efficiency of the new method is based on a X-ray focussing optics ...

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