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Search results for multimedia

Social Sciences Oct 15, 2012

New online database showcases tribal governance resources

A new database developed at the University of Arizona is serving as an online resource center for Indigenous people across the nation – and beyond – who are in search of information on Native Nation governance and leadership.

Social Sciences Oct 12, 2012

World's biggest book fair studies classroom of future

The digital world is knocking at the classroom door, but it is not simply a matter of shifting from paper to screen, educational experts and interactive content producers warn.

Computer Sciences Oct 10, 2012

Maths to turn people's media into national news

Technology will put the power to make news into the hands of ordinary people and revolutionise the way the vast reservoir of the public's digital content is handled thanks to new research, funded by the Engineering and Physical ...

Space Exploration Oct 10, 2012

Artist to send picture disc into orbit to serve as time capsule

(—Multimedia artist Trevor Paglen, part of a group known as Creative Time, has created a gold-plated crystalline silicon disc with bit mapped re-creations of photographs etched onto its surface. The disc is to ...

Other Oct 2, 2012

High-tech musical duet gets cheers at Philly event

(AP)—Technology that allows musicians in different places to perform together in real-time was dramatically demonstrated Tuesday in Philadelphia, where a violinist and cellist hundreds of miles apart played a duet as if ...

Business Sep 27, 2012

RIM posts big loss but not as bad as expected

BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion posted another large quarterly loss on Thursday, but the hemorrhaging was not as bad expected.

Hardware Sep 19, 2012

Samsung begins mass producing industry's highest density (128GB) embedded NAND storage

Samsung Electronics today announced that it has begun volume production of 128-gigabyte (GB) embedded memory for next-generation smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

Internet Sep 17, 2012

Google blocks anti-Islam film in Malaysia

Google has begun barring access in Malaysia to an anti-Islamic film that has sparked fury across the Muslim world after the country's Internet regulator lodged an official complaint.

Telecom Sep 10, 2012

DOCSIS 3.0-based high-speed cable modem SoC for full-HD multimedia and internet-TV services

STMicroelectronics is going to demonstrate a cable modem meeting the latest DOCSIS 3.0 specifications at IBC 2012, Amsterdam, September 7 to 11.

Hi Tech & Innovation Sep 9, 2012

Rethink book as computer interface, says designer (w/ Video)

(—A Polish designer has taken the word "interface" to an interesting level. Waldek Wegrzyn has a prototype that teases us into thinking about future interconnection opportunities that lie between the book and the ...

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