Search results for artificial nests

Jan 18, 2007

Bumblebee house warming -- It takes a village

All bumblebees always aren't as busy as, well, a bee. It all depends on what their job is.

Jul 4, 2006

Scientists: Ants have internal pedometer

German researchers have discovered that desert ants appear to have an internal pedometer that guides them back to their nests.

Jun 28, 2006

Celebrate July 4th with Bald Eaglets – Live on the Web!

Celebrate the 4th of July this year by watching live bald eaglets on your own computer screen, just a few weeks before they fledge from the nest. You can see two bald eaglets being fed and cared for by their eagle parents ...

Apr 4, 2006

No place like home: Ant navigation skills used in robot navigation

Next time you find yourself lost despite having a map and satellite navigation, spare a thought for the unfortunate ant that must take regular trips home to avoid losing its way.

Mar 27, 2006

Taking a bite out of a fellow worker helps wasps recruit new foragers

If you think you've got a bad boss, one who loves to chew people out, or if you work with backstabbing co-workers, be thankful you are not a wasp.

Mar 16, 2006

EU supports research towards the construction of nanomotors

Within an initiative aimed at supporting visionary research projects, the European Union has set aside research funds for the development of biological nanomotors. An international consortium of scientists, co-ordinated by ...

Nov 22, 2005

Whooping crane eggs: one or two?

A University of Alberta scientist says removing an egg from an endangered whooping crane's nest increases the species chances of survival.

Sep 21, 2005

Ants, not evil spirits, create devil's gardens in the Amazon rainforest, study finds

For the first time, scientists have identified an ant species that produces its own natural herbicide to poison unwanted plants. Stanford University biologist Deborah M. Gordon and her co-workers describe the findings in ...

Sep 1, 2005

Bumblebee See, Bumblebee Do

Just as travelers figure out which restaurant is good by the numbers of cars in the parking lot, bumblebees decide which flowers to visit by seeing which ones already have bee visitors. Bumblebees that watched other bees ...

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