Search results for zeolite

Materials Science Jan 24, 2012

Chemists find new material to remove radioactive gas from spent nuclear fuel

( -- Research by a team of Sandia chemists could impact worldwide efforts to produce clean, safe nuclear energy and reduce radioactive waste.

Environment Jan 13, 2012

Creation of database for promising adsorbents for decontamination of radioactive substances from nuclear power plants

( -- NIMS is collecting basic data on natural minerals produced in various regions and inorganic materials with different chemical compositions as a tool for selecting suitable materials, and will make this information ...

Materials Science Jan 11, 2012

Chemical engineers boost petrochemical output from biomass by 40 percent

Chemical engineers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, using a catalytic fast pyrolysis process that transforms renewable non-food biomass into petrochemicals, have developed a new catalyst that boosts the yield for ...

Materials Science Jan 10, 2012

Algae for your fuel tank: New process for producing biodiesel from microalgae oil

The available amount of fossil fuels is limited and their combustion in vehicle motors increases atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. The generation of fuels from biomass as an alternative is on the rise. In the journal Angewandte ...

Bio & Medicine Jan 10, 2012

Nanoscale biological coating is a new way to stop the bleeding

MIT engineers have developed a nanoscale biological coating that can halt bleeding nearly instantaneously, an advance that could dramatically improve survival rates for soldiers injured in battle.

Materials Science Jan 5, 2012

Success in synthesis of new high performance functional material mesoporous prussian blue

The National Institute for Materials Science in Japan succeeded in fabricating mesoporous Prussian blue, in which an extremely large number of nanosized pores (mesoporous) are formed in the crystal structure of the material.

Materials Science Dec 12, 2011

Zeolite synthesis made easy

Zeolites are porous materials with perfectly regular pores and high surface area that can act as molecular sieves. This property has led to important applications including the purification of air or water such as the contaminated ...

Other Oct 31, 2011

Technology makes storing radioactive waste safer

( -- Queensland University of Technology (QUT) researchers have developed new technology capable of removing radioactive material from contaminated water and aiding clean-up efforts following nuclear disasters.

Nanomaterials Oct 25, 2011

On the nanoscale, particles flow in unexpected ways

Researchers studying how fluids travel through nanoscale channels were surprised to discover that the fluids don't flow equally well in all directions. Contrary to the behavior in the macroscale world, the researchers discovered ...

Nanomaterials Oct 12, 2011

New discovery could make fuel, plastics production more energy efficient and cost effective

A University of Minnesota team of researchers has overcome a major hurdle in the quest to design a specialized type of molecular sieve that could make the production of gasoline, plastics and various chemicals more cost effective ...

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