Search results for Plant Flower

Plants & Animals Jul 29, 2021

How ERF1 regulates flowering

Floral initiation must be strictly regulated to achieve reproductive success. ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR1 (ERF1) functions as an important integrator of several phytohormone signals to regulate both development and stress responses. ...

Plants & Animals Jul 29, 2021

Study: Native, city-living bees and wasps thrive in large green spaces, flowering prairies

Converting vacant urban lots into greenspaces can reduce blight and improve neighborhoods, and new research shows that certain types of such post-industrial reclamation efforts offer the added bonus of benefiting bees.

Plants & Animals Jul 28, 2021

A caffeine buzz helps bees learn to find specific flowers

There's nothing like a shot of espresso when you need to get some studying done—and now, it seems like bees learn better with a jolt of their favorite caffeine-laced nectar, too. In a paper published July 28 in the journal ...

Plants & Animals Jul 26, 2021

How bees see: Tiny bumps on flower petals create intense color and attract pollinators

The intense colors of flowers have inspired us for centuries. They are celebrated through poems and songs praising the red of roses and blue of violets, and have inspired iconic pieces of art such as Vincent Van Gogh's sunflowers.

Plants & Animals Jul 22, 2021

New insight on the reproductive evolution of land plants

Around 470 million years ago, plants began to conquer the terrestrial surfaces. The first examples had a small axis terminated by a structure capable of forming spores, almost like current mosses. The appearance of plant ...

Ecology Jul 6, 2021

Jacarandas in parts of South Africa are flowering earlier: why it's a warning sign

In September each year, South Africa's Gauteng province turns purple. The cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria are well covered with trees—and jacarandas (Jacaranda mimosifolia), with their purple blooms in late spring, ...

Plants & Animals Jul 1, 2021

Researchers hone in on the best software for detecting microRNAs in plants

Almost twenty years ago, the process of RNA silencing was discovered in plants, whereby small fragments of RNA inactivate a portion of a gene during protein synthesis. These fragments—called microRNAs (abbreviated as miRNAs)—have ...

Plants & Animals Jun 30, 2021

How plants quickly adapt to shifting environmental conditions

Scientists—and gardeners—have long known that plants grow taller and flower sooner when they are shaded by close-growing neighbors. Now, for the first time, researchers at the Salk Institute have shown the detailed inner ...

Ecology Jun 30, 2021

Botanists name astonishing new species of 'fairy lantern' from Malaysian rainforests

Oxford University Scientist Dr. Chris Thorogood from Oxford Botanic Garden teamed up with Siti-Munirah at the Forest Research Institute Malaysia, and local explorer Dome Nikong to describe a strange plant from the depths ...

Plants & Animals Jun 24, 2021

Battle of the Pleiades against plant immunity

Mythological nymphs reincarnate as a group of corn smut proteins to launch a battle on maize immunity. One of these proteins appears to stand out among its sister Pleiades, much like its namesake character in Greek mythology. ...

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