Search results for infrared

Astronomy Jan 6, 2020

Simulated image demonstrates the power of NASA's Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope

Imagine a fleet of 100 Hubble Space Telescopes, deployed in a strategic space-invader-shaped array a million miles from Earth, scanning the universe at warp speed.

Optics & Photonics Jan 3, 2020

Field-resolved infrared spectroscopy of biological systems

Scientists at the Laboratory for Attosecond Physics have developed a unique laser technology for the analysis of the molecular composition of biological samples. It is capable of detecting minimal variations in the chemical ...

Optics & Photonics Dec 24, 2019

Large-area and flexible near-infrared light-emitting diodes

Infrared LEDs are useful for optical communications and covert illumination, and are commonly found in remote controls and security camera setups. They are generally small point sources, which limits their use if larger-area ...

Astronomy Dec 19, 2019

WISE1013+6112 is one of the most luminous infrared galaxies, study finds

Using the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), astronomers have investigated the infrared galaxy WISE J101326.25+611220.1 (or WISE1013+6112 for short). The researchers report that WISE1013+6112 is one ...

Quantum Physics Dec 17, 2019

Camouflage made of quantum material could hide you from infrared cameras

Infrared cameras detect people and other objects by the heat they emit. Now, researchers have discovered the uncanny ability of a material to hide a target by masking its telltale heat properties.

Space Exploration Nov 19, 2019

Subaru telescope detects the mid-infrared emission band from complex organic molecules in comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner

Using the Cooled Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrometer (COMICS) on the Subaru Telescope, astronomers have detected an unidentified infrared emission band from comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner (hereafter, comet 21P/G-Z) in addition ...

Astronomy Nov 18, 2019

Image: Orion A in infrared

Stars form within giant clouds of gas and dust that pervade galaxies like our own Milky Way. This image depicts one such cloud, known as Orion A, as seen by ESA's Herschel and Planck space observatories.

Archaeology Nov 12, 2019

Scientists explore Egyptian mummy bones with X-rays and infrared light

Experiments at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) are casting a new light on Egyptian soil and ancient mummified bone samples that could provide a richer understanding of daily ...

Environment Nov 4, 2019

NASA provides an infrared analysis of typhoon Halong

Typhoon Halong continued to strengthen in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean as NASA's Terra satellite passed overhead. Infrared imagery from an instrument aboard Terra revealed very high, powerful storms with very cold cloud ...

Environment Nov 1, 2019

NASA gets infrared view of Atlantic Halloween subtropical storm

The latest addition to the Atlantic Ocean hurricane season developed quickly. NASA's Aqua satellite passed over the eastern North Atlantic Ocean on Halloween and provided forecasters with an infrared view of Subtropical Storm ...

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