Search results for moons

Space Exploration Mar 29, 2023

Don't take batteries to the moon or Mars, 3D print them when you get there

When the Artemis astronauts and future explorers go to the moon and Mars, they'll need power. Lots of it. Of course, they'll use solar panels to generate the juice they need for habitats, experiments, rovers, and so on. But, ...

Space Exploration Mar 24, 2023

The science of moon hopping

The videos of the first moon landing with astronauts bouncing around the lunar surface are looking like a lot of fun—but jumping around on the moon could also be good for astronaut's muscles, bones and the cardiorespiratory ...

Planetary Sciences Mar 2, 2023

First-ever Canadian lunar rover will hunt for water ice on the moon

The first ever Canadian rover to set wheels on the moon is currently under construction for a mission set to launch as early as 2026. The rover will explore the south polar region of the moon in a search for water ice in ...

Space Exploration Feb 22, 2023

Treating lunar soil to create fertilizer for growing plants on the moon

Sooner or later, settlers on the moon will have to become farmers. A new ESA Discovery project led by Norway's Solsys Mining is looking into the treatment of lunar soil to create fertilizer for growing plants.

Space Exploration Feb 13, 2023

New spacecraft can see into the permanently shadowed craters on the moon

Shackleton Crater at the lunar south pole is one of the locations on NASA's shortlist for human exploration with the future Artemis missions. But because craters at the lunar poles—like Shackleton—at have areas that are ...

Astronomy Feb 7, 2023

Models explain canyons on Pluto's large moon Charon

In 2015, when NASA's New Horizons spacecraft encountered the Pluto-Charon system, the Southwest Research Institute-led science team discovered interesting, geologically active objects instead of the inert icy orbs previously ...

Space Exploration Feb 2, 2023

Turning astronauts into moon explorers

ESA's geology training course PANGAEA has come of age with the publication of a paper in Acta Astronautica that describes the quest for designing the best possible geology training for the next astronauts to walk on the surface ...

Planetary Sciences Jan 31, 2023

Scientists examine geological processes of Monad Regio on Neptune's largest moon, Triton

In a recent study published in the journal Icarus, a team of researchers at the International Research School of Planetary Science (IRSPS) located at the D'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara in Italy conducted a geological ...

Space Exploration Jan 23, 2023

A new way to peer into the permanently shadowed craters on the moon, searching for deposits of water ice

Not all flashlights are created equal. Some are stronger, consume more power, or have features such as blinking or strobes. Some aren't even meant for humans, such as a new project that recently received funding from a NASA ...

Optics & Photonics Jan 18, 2023

Light-based tech could inspire moon navigation and next-gen farming

Super-thin chips made from lithium niobate are set to overtake silicon chips in light-based technologies, according to world-leading scientists in the field, with potential applications ranging from remote ripening-fruit ...

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