Search results for quantum entanglement

Optics & Photonics Sep 2, 2021

Generating entangled photons with nonlinear metasurfaces

Quantum nanophotonics is an active research field with emerging applications that range from quantum computing to imaging and telecommunications. This has motivated scientists and engineers to develop sources for entangled ...

Quantum Physics Jan 22, 2021

New blueprint for more stable quantum computers

Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) have put forward a detailed plan of how faster and better defined quantum bits—qubits—can be created. The central elements are magnetic atoms from the class of so-called ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 7, 2016

The path to perfection: Quantum dots in electrically-controlled cavities yield bright, nearly identical photons

Optical quantum technologies are based on the interactions of atoms and photons at the single-particle level, and so require sources of single photons that are highly indistinguishable – that is, as identical as possible. ...

Quantum Physics Mar 2, 2015

Light, meet matter: Single-photon quantum memory in diamond optical phonons at room temperature

(—Photonic quantum technologies – including cryptography, enhanced measurement and information processing – face a conundrum: They require single photons, but these are difficult to create, manipulate and measure. ...

Quantum Physics Oct 20, 2014

Serious security: Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution guards against the most general attacks

The Holy Grail of quantum cryptography – beyond delivering security that cannot be classically achieved – is guaranteeing unconditional security when the untrusted quantum devices are involved. While this goal has been ...

Quantum Physics Jul 9, 2014

New paths into the world of quasiparticles

Quasiparticles can be used to explain physical phenomena in solid bodies even though they are not actual physical particles. Physicists in Innsbruck have now realized quasiparticles in a quantum system and observed quantum ...

Quantum Physics Dec 21, 2023

Researchers take a different approach with measurement-based quantum computing

The race to develop quantum computers has really heated up over the past few years. State-of-the-art systems can now run simple algorithms using dozens of qubits—or quantum bits—which are the building blocks of quantum ...

Condensed Matter Dec 2, 2021

Scientists document the presence of quantum spin liquids, a never-before-seen state of matter

In 1973, physicist Philip W. Anderson theorized the existence of a new state of matter that has been a major focus of the field, especially in the race for quantum computers.

Astronomy Apr 29, 2021

We could detect alien civilizations through their interstellar quantum communication

Since the mid-20th century, scientists have been looking for evidence of intelligent life beyond our solar system. For much of that time, scientists who are engaged in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) have ...

Quantum Physics Mar 13, 2020

Initialization of quantum simulators by sympathetic cooling

Simulating computationally complex many-body problems on a quantum simulator has great potential to deliver insights into physical, chemical and biological systems. Physicists had previously implemented Hamiltonian dynamics ...

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