Search results for asteroid belt

Space Exploration Feb 12, 2019

Insulating crust kept cryomagma liquid for millions of years on nearby dwarf planet

A recent NASA mission to the dwarf planet Ceres found brilliant, white spots of salts on its surface. New research led by The University of Texas at Austin in partnership with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) delved ...

Space Exploration Feb 8, 2019

To save the Earth someday, team builds spacecraft to crash into an asteroid and shove it off course

A team of scientists, astronomers and engineers meets weekly in a conference room on a Howard County, Md., research campus and plans to save the world.

Space Exploration Jan 28, 2019

Missing-link in planet evolution found

For the first time ever, astronomers have detected a 1.3 km radius body at the edge of the solar system. Kilometer-sized bodies like the one discovered have been predicted to exist for more than 70 years. These objects acted ...

Space Exploration Jan 17, 2019

Scientists find increase in asteroid impacts on ancient Earth by studying the Moon

An international team of scientists is challenging our understanding of a part of Earth's history by looking at the Moon, the most complete and accessible chronicle of the asteroid collisions that carved our solar system.

Space Exploration Jan 15, 2019

Scientist anticipated "snowman" asteroid appearance

On Jan. 2, the New Horizons spacecraft made the most distant flyby ever attempted, successfully returning images of the Kuiper Belt object Ultima Thule. While the world is agog at the so-called "snowman" shape of this icy ...

Astronomy Jan 14, 2019

Double star system flips planet-forming disk into pole position

New research led by an astronomer at the University of Warwick has found the first confirmed example of a double star system that has flipped its surrounding disc to a position that leaps over the orbital plane of those stars. ...

Astronomy Jan 8, 2019

Young planets orbiting red dwarfs may lack ingredients for life

Rocky planets orbiting red dwarf stars may be bone dry and lifeless, according to a new study using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. Water and organic compounds, essential for life as we know it, may get blown away before they ...

Space Exploration Dec 27, 2018

After Pluto, New Horizons mission nears an object 'beyond the known world'

Three and a half years after giving humanity its first close-up view of Pluto, and almost 13 years after launching from Earth, the New Horizons spacecraft will explore another new frontier: a reddish hunk of rock and ice ...

Space Exploration Dec 21, 2018

Navigating NASA's first mission to the Trojan asteroids

In science fiction, explorers can hop in futuristic spaceships and traverse half the galaxy in the blink of a plot hole. However, this sidelines the navigational acrobatics required in order to guarantee real-life mission ...

Space Exploration Dec 14, 2018

Video: Enjoying the Geminids from above and below

On the night of December 13, into the morning of December 14, 2018, tune into the night sky for a dazzling display of fireballs. Thanks to the International Space Station, this sky show – the Geminids meteor shower—will ...

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