Search results for aerosolization

Earth Sciences Dec 4, 2017

Understanding the climate impact of natural atmospheric particles

An international team of scientists, led by the University of Leeds, has quantified the relationship between natural sources of particles in the atmosphere and climate change.

Engineering Jun 14, 2017

Printed sensors monitor tire wear in real time

Electrical engineers at Duke University have invented an inexpensive printed sensor that can monitor the tread of car tires in real time, warning drivers when the rubber meeting the road has grown dangerously thin.

Earth Sciences Mar 31, 2017

Light-absorbing particles identified in environmental chamber experiments

Ubiquitous yet mysterious. Light-absorbing, carbon-containing particles, also known as brown carbon, are prevalent in the atmosphere yet highly variable. Scientists are working to fill in knowledge gaps in how they form, ...

Biotechnology Mar 20, 2017

Team nebulizes aphids to knock down gene expression

Researchers are nebulizing soybean aphids with RNA, which, when incorporated into the body, can hinder the expression of specific genes. The new method of delivering "interfering RNA" in a mist will likely speed the process ...

Earth Sciences Aug 25, 2016

Solar activity has a direct impact on Earth's cloud cover

A team of scientists from the National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Space) and the Racah Institute of Physics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has linked large solar eruptions to changes ...

Earth Sciences Feb 15, 2016

Clouds reveal new particle formation process

In addition to precipitation, clouds influence the climate in various ways: they cover 70% of the Earth's surface and represent nearly 15% of the volume of the atmosphere. Scientists need to understand their underlying chemical ...

Space Exploration Jan 7, 2016

Scientists determine the structure of Titan's evaporites

(—Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, hosts many interesting geological features that could be evaporites. While the chemical compositions of these sediments have been studied by scientists, their structure still ...

Environment Nov 20, 2015

Sea traffic pollutes our lungs more than previously thought

New data presented by researchers at Lund University and others in the journal Oceanologia, show that the air along the coasts is full of hazardous nanoparticles from sea traffic. Almost half of the measured particles stem ...

Earth Sciences Jan 5, 2015

How sea spray particles evolve in the atmosphere

When ocean waves make bursting whitecaps or crash against the shores, tiny particles of sea spray enter the atmosphere. Once airborne, the particles are quickly coated by carbon-rich or organic chemicals. The carbon-rich ...

Earth Sciences Oct 27, 2014

Researchers develop technique to understand how tiny atmospheric particles change elusive ice clouds

Thin and wispy cirrus clouds skirt the scrutiny of current climate models. To uncover that missing information, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is leading an international effort to run coordinated numerical experiments ...

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