Search results for CRISPR

Cell & Microbiology Aug 9, 2021

New CRISPR/Cas9 technique corrects cystic fibrosis in cultured human stem cells

Researchers from the group of Hans Clevers (Hubrecht Institute) corrected mutations that cause cystic fibrosis in cultured human stem cells. In collaboration with the UMC Utrecht and Oncode Institute, they used a technique ...

Biotechnology Aug 9, 2021

New device can diagnose COVID-19 from saliva samples

Engineers at MIT and Harvard University have designed a small tabletop device that can detect SARS-CoV-2 from a saliva sample in about an hour. In a new study, they showed that the diagnostic is just as accurate as the PCR ...

Molecular & Computational biology Aug 6, 2021

From CRISPR to glowing proteins to optogenetics, the most powerful technologies are borrowed from nature

Watson and Crick, Schrödinger and Einstein all made theoretical breakthroughs that have changed the world's understanding of science.

Biochemistry Aug 5, 2021

Using two CRISPR enzymes, a COVID diagnostic in only 20 minutes

Frequent, rapid testing for COVID-19 is critical to controlling the spread of outbreaks, especially as new, more transmissible variants emerge.

Molecular & Computational biology Aug 4, 2021

Two new transgenic mouse lines will enable innovative studies into gene regulation

A CRISPR-Cas9 variant with deactivated DNA-cutting function—known as "dCas9"—is a powerful tool to help researchers understand what genes do when their expression is dialed up or down, but it has some limitations.

Cell & Microbiology Aug 3, 2021

Scientists boost gene knockdown in human cells with CRISPR-Cas13 using chemically modified guide RNAs

In the latest of ongoing efforts to expand technologies for modifying genes and their expression, researchers in the lab of Neville Sanjana at New York University (NYU) and the New York Genome Center (NYGC) have developed ...

Biotechnology Jul 22, 2021

Scientists harness the naturally abundant CRISPR-Cas system to edit superbugs

A research team led by Dr. Aixin Yan, Associate Professor from the Research Division for Molecular & Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, in collaboration with Honorary Clinical Professor Patrick Cy Woo from the Department of ...

Agriculture Jul 13, 2021

Genome editing for food: How do people react?

A research team from the University of Göttingen and the University of British Columbia (Canada) has investigated how people in five different countries react to various usages of genome editing in agriculture. The researchers ...

Biotechnology Jul 13, 2021

Gene editing 'blocks virus transmission' in human cells

Scientists have used CRISPR gene-editing technology to successfully block the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in infected human cells, according to research released Tuesday that could pave the way for COVID-19 treatments.

Biotechnology Jul 12, 2021

Sweet success: First precision breeding of sugarcane with CRISPR-Cas9

Sugarcane is one of the most productive plants on Earth, providing 80 percent of the sugar and 30 percent of the bioethanol produced worldwide. Its size and efficient use of water and light give it tremendous potential for ...

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