Search results for machine learning

Cell & Microbiology Jan 13, 2023

Machine learning method improves cell identity understanding

When genes are activated and expressed, they show patterns in cells that are similar in type and function across tissues and organs. Discovering these patterns improves our understanding of cells—which has implications ...

Analytical Chemistry Dec 19, 2022

Scientists use machine learning to get an unprecedented view of small molecules

A new machine learning model will help scientists identify small molecules, with applications in medicine, drug discovery and environmental chemistry. Developed by researchers at Aalto University and the University of Luxembourg, ...

General Physics Dec 17, 2022

Using machine learning to better understand how water behaves

Water has puzzled scientists for decades. For the last 30 years or so, they have theorized that when cooled down to a very low temperature like -100C, water might be able to separate into two liquid phases of different densities. ...

Analytical Chemistry Dec 13, 2022

Using machine learning to improve the toxicity assessment of chemicals

Researchers of the University of Amsterdam, together with colleagues at the University of Queensland and the Norwegian Institute for Water Research, have developed a strategy using machine learning to assess the toxicity ...

Earth Sciences Dec 5, 2022

Machine learning approach to reconstructing high-resolution ocean subsurface salinity dataset

As a key parameter of sea water, salinity plays a vital role in regulating ocean density, stratification, and circulation. It also indicates the coupling between ocean, atmosphere, and land through water cycle. Gridded ocean ...

Polymers Nov 30, 2022

Machine-learning model instantly predicts polymer properties

Hundreds of millions of tons of polymer materials are produced globally for use in a vast and ever-growing application space with new material demands such as green chemistry polymers, consumer packaging, adhesives, automotive ...

General Physics Nov 25, 2022

Using machine learning to infer rules for designing complex mechanical metamaterials

Mechanical metamaterials are sophisticated artificial structures with mechanical properties that are driven by their structure, rather than their composition. While these structures have proved to be very promising for the ...

Astronomy Nov 23, 2022

Machine learning tools autonomously classify 1,000 supernovae

Astronomers at Caltech have used a machine learning algorithm to classify 1,000 supernovae completely autonomously. The algorithm was applied to data captured by the Zwicky Transient Facility, or ZTF, a sky survey instrument ...

Ecology Nov 16, 2022

Global models and predictions of plant diversity based on advanced machine learning techniques

Why are there more plant species in some places than in others? Why is diversity highest in the tropics? What is the connection between biodiversity and environmental conditions?

Quantum Physics Oct 25, 2022

How do you solve a problem like a proton? Smash it, then build it back with machine learning

Protons are tiny yet they carry a lot of heft. They inhabit the center of every atom in the universe and play a critical role in one of the strongest forces in nature.

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