Search results for aerosolization

Earth Sciences Sep 9, 2022

A warm intrusion in the Arctic causes extreme pollution levels

During the MOSAiC research expedition, conducted in the Arctic pack ice between 2019 and 2020, EPFL scientists observed an atmospheric perturbation triggered by the intrusion of a highly polluted warm air-mass. A first study ...

Environment Aug 8, 2022

Cleaner air as a result of pandemic lockdown

During the first lockdown of the coronavirus pandemic, soot concentrations in the atmosphere over Western and Southern Europe almost halved. This is apparent from the comparison of two measurement campaigns carried out by ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 7, 2022

Nano-sensor detects pesticides on fruit in minutes

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed a tiny sensor for detecting pesticides on fruit in just a few minutes. The technique, described as a proof-of-concept in a paper in the journal Advanced Science, ...

Materials Science Sep 9, 2021

Reusable cloth masks hold up after a year of washing, drying

The reusable cloth masks people have been using for the past year or more may look a little worse for the wear. But new research from the University of Colorado Boulder finds that washing and drying them doesn't reduce their ...

Environment Apr 6, 2021

First air quality profile of two sub-Saharan African cities finds troubling news

Ambient air pollution is a global public health crisis, causing more than 4.9 million premature deaths per year around the world. In Africa, it has surpassed AIDS as the leading cause of premature death. According to one ...

Earth Sciences Feb 25, 2021

How wildfires may have larger effects on cloud formation than previously thought

As the frequency and size of wildfires continues to increase worldwide, new research from Carnegie Mellon University scientists shows how the chemical aging of the particles emitted by these fires can lead to more extensive ...

Environment Sep 2, 2020

Asphalt adds to air pollution, especially on hot, sunny days

Asphalt is a near-ubiquitous substance—it's found in roads, on roofs and in driveways—but its chemical emissions rarely figure into urban air quality management plans.

Environment Aug 20, 2020

February lockdown in China caused a drop in some types of air pollution, but not others

Atmospheric scientists have analyzed how the February near-total shutdown of mobility affected the air over China. Results show a striking drop in nitrogen oxides, a gas that comes mainly from tailpipes and is one component ...

Earth Sciences Jul 20, 2020

Geoengineering is just a partial solution to fight climate change

Could we create massive sulfuric acid clouds that limit global warming and help meet the 2015 Paris international climate goals, while reducing unintended impacts?

Astronomy May 26, 2020

Astronomers create cloud atlas for hot, Jupiter-like exoplanets

Giant planets in our solar system and circling other stars have exotic clouds unlike anything on Earth, and the gas giants orbiting close to their stars—so-called hot Jupiters—boast the most extreme.

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