Search results for diamond

General Physics Sep 23, 2020

Researchers develop method to create colloidal diamonds

The colloidal diamond has been a dream of researchers since the 1990s. These structures—stable, self-assembled formations of miniscule materials—have the potential to make light waves as useful as electrons in computing, ...

Nanophysics Sep 14, 2020

New method to design diamond lattices and other crystals from microscopic building blocks

An impressive array of architectural forms can be produced from the popular interlocking building blocks known as LEGOS. All that is needed is a child's imagination to construct a virtually infinite variety of complex shapes.

Astronomy Sep 11, 2020

Carbon-rich exoplanets may be made of diamonds

As missions like NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, TESS and Kepler continue to provide insights into the properties of exoplanets (planets around other stars), scientists are increasingly able to piece together what these planets ...

Nanophysics Sep 11, 2020

Get diamonds, take temperature: Quantum thermometer using nanodiamonds senses a 'fever' in tiny worms C. elegans

A team from Osaka City University, in collaboration with other international partners, has demonstrated a reliable, precise, microscope-based thermometer using quantum technology that measures the temperature fo microscopic ...

Earth Sciences Sep 10, 2020

New insights into Earth's carbon cycle

In a new study led by a University of Alberta Ph.D. student, researchers used diamonds as breadcrumbs to provide insight into some of Earth's deepest geologic mechanisms.

Cell & Microbiology Sep 9, 2020

Researchers glimpse how virus particles assemble inside the cell

An international team of researchers were able visualize how orthoreovirus assembles inside infected cells, using cryo-electron tomography at the Electron Bio-Imaging Center (eBIC) at Diamond Light Source, the UK's national ...

Cell & Microbiology Aug 27, 2020

Structural biology reveals new target to neutralize COVID-19

An international team of researchers have discovered a new and highly conserved site on the SARS-CoV-2 virus that can be neutralized by a specific antibody. Previous studies have reported that antibodies that block the virus ...

Environment Aug 20, 2020

February lockdown in China caused a drop in some types of air pollution, but not others

Atmospheric scientists have analyzed how the February near-total shutdown of mobility affected the air over China. Results show a striking drop in nitrogen oxides, a gas that comes mainly from tailpipes and is one component ...

Quantum Physics Aug 18, 2020

A stepping stone for measuring quantum gravity

A group of theoretical physicists, including two physicists from the University of Groningen, have proposed a 'table-top' device that could measure gravity waves. However, their actual aim is to answer one of the biggest ...

Nanomaterials Aug 18, 2020

A new two-dimensional carbon allotrope: Semiconducting diamane film synthesized

Atomically thin diamond, also called diamane, is a two-dimensional carbon allotrope and has attracted considerable scientific interest due to its potential physical properties. However, previous studies suggest that atomically ...

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