Search results for robotic materials

Analytical Chemistry Jun 18, 2020

Soft and ion-conducting hydrogel artificial tongue for astringency perception

Artificial tongues have received increased attention due to their ability to detect the five basic tastes, but until now scientists have been unable to fully enable human tongue-like biomimicry for astringency in the lab. ...

Plants & Animals Jun 17, 2020

Soap bubbles pollinated a pear orchard without damaging delicate flowers

Soap bubbles facilitated the pollination of a pear orchard by delivering pollen grains to targeted flowers, demonstrating that this whimsical technique can successfully pollinate fruit-bearing plants. The study, from the ...

Nanomaterials Jun 17, 2020

Nanomaterial gives robots chameleon skin

A new film made of gold nanoparticles changes color in response to any type of movement. Its unprecedented qualities could allow robots to mimic chameleons and octopi—among other futuristic applications.

Materials Science Jun 9, 2020

Lab makes 4-D printing more practical

Soft robots and biomedical implants that reconfigure themselves upon demand are closer to reality with a new way to print shapeshifting materials.

Biotechnology Jun 9, 2020

Biohybrid model uses organic lungs, synthetic muscles to re-create respiration mechanics

Benchtop tools for studying the respiratory system misrepresent the interdependence between the diaphragm, abdomen and lungs. Meanwhile, computational models often hide the mechanisms in a black box computation, without a ...

Condensed Matter Jun 5, 2020

Scientists demonstrate ion implantation advantages for the use of silicon in optoelectronics

Silicon is the main material in electronic engineering. All information and computing technologies that play a key role in modern civilization are based on silicon: computers, communications, astronautics, biomedicine, robotics ...

Materials Science Jun 4, 2020

'Artificial chemist' combines AI, robotics to conduct autonomous R&D

Researchers from North Carolina State University and the University at Buffalo have developed a technology called "Artificial Chemist," which incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) and an automated system for performing ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 4, 2020

The sensitive strain sensor that can detect the weight of a feather

Physicists have created the most sensitive strain sensor ever made, capable of detecting a feather's touch.

Materials Science Jun 1, 2020

New stretchable, self-healing and illuminating electronic material for wearables and soft robots

Imagine a flexible digital screen that heals itself when it cracks, or a light-emitting robot that locates survivors in dark, dangerous environments or carries out farming and space exploration tasks. A novel material developed ...

Materials Science May 28, 2020

Biodegradable glitter and pollution-eating microalgae: the new materials inspired by nature

The iridescence of marble berries and the clever, light-bending perforations of microalgae are inspiring scientists to create biodegradable glitter and makeup pigments, and bionic algae to use in lasers or to clean pollutants.

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