Search results for moons

Space Exploration Jan 3, 2024

Privatized moon landings: Two US missions set to open a new era of commercial lunar exploration

Two commercial spacecraft are scheduled to launch to the moon early in 2024 under a NASA initiative called the Commercial Lunar Payload Service CLPS. This program is intended to kickstart a commercial transportation service ...

Astrobiology Dec 18, 2023

Surface of Saturnian moon Enceladus shields buried organics

The Saturnian moon Enceladus presents a unique opportunity in our solar system to search for evidence of life, given its habitable ocean and plume that deposits organic-bearing ocean material onto the surface.

Astronomy Dec 18, 2023

History and contents of the universe can be determined using radio telescopes on the moon, researchers say

A study from Tel Aviv University has predicted for the first time the groundbreaking results that can be obtained from a lunar-based detection of radio waves. The study's findings show that the measured radio signals can ...

Astronomy Dec 13, 2023

Astronomy toolkit allows users to create their own sky map, find the weirdest stars and explore the surface of the moon

A new set of tools for astronomers and planetary explorers use interactive visual analytics and machine learning to reveal and contrast properties of objects in our galaxy.

Space Exploration Dec 7, 2023

China scores a big win in race with US for influence on the moon

China notched a diplomatic victory in its race against the U.S. for influence in space, with Egypt agreeing to support Beijing's plan for a proposed project on the moon.

Space Exploration Dec 5, 2023

Europa clipper could help discover if Jupiter's moon is habitable

Since 1979, when the Voyager probes flew past Jupiter and its system of moons, scientists have speculated about the possibility of life within Europa. Based on planetary modeling, Europa is believed to be differentiated between ...

Astrobiology Dec 5, 2023

Saturn's icy moon may hold the building blocks of life

As astrophysics technology and research continue to advance, one question persists: is there life elsewhere in the universe? The Milky Way galaxy alone has hundreds of billions of celestial bodies, but scientists often look ...

Space Exploration Dec 1, 2023

Europe is working on a multi-purpose habitat for the moon

With NASA gearing up to send humans back to the moon in the next few years with the Artemis missions with the goal of establishing a permanent outpost at the lunar south pole, nations are making efforts to contribute to Artemis ...

Space Exploration Nov 30, 2023

NASA tests in-flight capability of Artemis moon rocket engine

NASA conducted the third RS-25 engine hot fire in a critical 12-test certification series Nov. 29, demonstrating a key capability necessary for flight of the SLS (Space Launch System) rocket during Artemis missions to the ...

Space Exploration Nov 20, 2023

Juice burns hard toward first-ever Earth–moon flyby

On 17 November 2023, ESA's Juice spacecraft carried out one of the largest and most important maneuvers in its eight-year journey to Jupiter.

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