Search results for soft robotics

Robotics May 13, 2015

Octopus arm inspires future surgical tool

A robotic arm that can bend, stretch and squeeze through cluttered environments has been created by a group of researchers from Italy.

Robotics Dec 23, 2014

Researchers develop new-generation 'thinking' biomimetic robots as ocean engineering solutions

NUS Engineering researchers are closer to creating underwater robotic creatures with a brain of their own – besides behaving like the real thing. In the near future, it would not be too tall an order for the team to produce ...

Robotics Mar 24, 2014

Robbie the robot passes UN inspection (w/ Video)

Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) meets "Robbie the Robot" developed for Cork teenager Joanne O'Riordan, who was born without limbs.

Nanomaterials Jan 5, 2010

'Ferropaper' is new technology for small motors, robots

( -- Researchers at Purdue University have created a magnetic "ferropaper" that might be used to make low-cost "micromotors" for surgical instruments, tiny tweezers to study cells and miniature speakers.

Ecology Feb 24, 2023

Robotic bees and roots offer hope of healthier environment and sufficient food

The robotic bee replicants home in on the unsuspecting queen of a hive. But unlike the rebellious replicants in the 1982 sci-fi thriller Blade Runner, these ones are here to work.

Nanophysics Feb 7, 2020

Magnetic microrobots use capillary forces to coax particles into position

At microscopic scales, picking, placing, collecting, and arranging objects is a persistent challenge. Advances in nanotechnology mean that there are ever more complex things we'd like to build at those sizes, but tools for ...

Robotics Mar 6, 2019

These robots are small, shape-shifting, and they adapt to their surroundings

With its low ceiling draped in soft, green netting, Jianguo Zhao's lab at the Colorado State University Powerhouse Energy Campus is hard to miss. Watch the lab's walking, grasping, flying, perching, shape-shifting robots ...

Business Jun 9, 2017

SoftBank buys robotics leader Boston Dynamics from Alphabet

Japanese internet, solar and technology company SoftBank Group Corp. is buying robotics pioneer Boston Dynamics from Alphabet Inc., Google's parent.

Polymers Aug 26, 2016

3-D printed structures that 'remember' their shapes

Engineers from MIT and Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) are using light to print three-dimensional structures that "remember" their original shapes. Even after being stretched, twisted, and bent at extreme ...

Robotics Jul 18, 2016

Researchers build a crawling robot from sea slug parts and a 3-D printed body

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University have combined tissues from a sea slug with flexible 3-D printed components to build "biohybrid" robots that crawl like sea turtles on the beach.

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