Search results for qubits

Quantum Physics Mar 11, 2020

Novel error-correction scheme developed for quantum computers

Scientists in Australia have developed a new approach to reducing the errors that plague experimental quantum computers; a step that could remove a critical roadblock preventing them scaling up to full working machines.

Quantum Physics Sep 26, 2017

A quantum computer to tackle fundamental science problems

For more than 50 years, Moore's Law has reigned supreme. The observation that the number of transistors on a computer chip doubles roughly every two years has set the pace for our modern digital revolution—making smartphones, ...

Quantum Physics May 31, 2017

Research collaborative pursues advanced quantum computing

"If this project is successful it will cause a revolution in computing."

Quantum Physics Oct 14, 2016

Exceptionally robust quantum states found in industrially important semiconductor

Harnessing solid-state quantum bits, or qubits, is a key step toward the mass production of electronic devices based on quantum information science and technology. However, realizing a robust qubit with a long lifetime is ...

General Physics Oct 11, 2016

Atomic-scale MRI holds promise for new drug discovery

Researchers at the University of Melbourne have developed a way to radically miniaturise a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine using atomic-scale quantum computer technology.

Quantum Physics Jul 1, 2016

Berkeley Lab prepares for quantum-classical computing future

Jarrod McClean and his Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory colleagues want to simulate and predict the chemistry and properties of advanced compounds before scientists go into the lab to make them.

Quantum Physics May 24, 2016

Precise atom implants in silicon provide a first step toward practical quantum computers

Sandia National Laboratories has taken a first step toward creating a practical quantum computer, able to handle huge numbers of computations instantaneously.

Quantum Physics May 3, 2016

Could aluminum nitride be engineered to produce quantum bits?

Quantum computers have the potential to break common cryptography techniques, search huge datasets and simulate quantum systems in a fraction of the time it would take today's computers. But before this can happen, engineers ...

Quantum Physics Feb 8, 2016

Nanoscale cavity strongly links quantum particles

Scientists have created a crystal structure that boosts the interaction between tiny bursts of light and individual electrons, an advance that could be a significant step toward establishing quantum networks in the future.

Quantum Physics Feb 6, 2015

Quantum mechanical behaviour at the macroscale

Most quantum physics research to date has used particles such as atoms and electrons to observe quantum mechanical behaviour. Professor Mika Sillanpää of Aalto University is now working in the relatively new field of using ...

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