Search results for yaw angle

Space Exploration Dec 4, 2009

Steering the Ares Rockets on a Straight Path

( -- The Ares I-X rocket stood more than 325 feet tall on the launch pad at NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla. Spectators watched in awe as its massive solid rocket motor blazed to life with a thunderous roar, ...

General Physics Aug 28, 2006

Flies provide aerodynamic model for tiny flying vehicles

When it comes to flying, the fly reigns supreme. This two-winged insect’s sophisticated flying behavior enables it to make sharp turns, aim at targets and hover – traits which make the insect an ideal prototype for tiny ...

Oct 24, 2005

Scientists discover secret behind human red blood cell's amazing flexibility

A human red blood cell is a dimpled ballerina, ceaselessly spinning, tumbling, bending, and squeezing through openings narrower than its width to dispense life-giving oxygen to every corner of the body. In a paper published ...

Sep 7, 2004

NASA Gravity Probe B mission enters science phase, ready to test Einstein's theory

Gravity Probe B, a NASA spacecraft to test two predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, achieved a major milestone last week with the completion of the first phase of its mission and the transition into ...

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