Search results for passive optical networks

Optics & Photonics Jan 4, 2023

High-performance visible-light lasers that fit on a fingertip

As technologies keep advancing at exponential rates and demand for new devices rises accordingly, miniaturizing systems into chips has become increasingly important. Microelectronics has changed the way we manipulate electricity, ...

General Physics Nov 25, 2022

Synchronizing chaos through a narrow slice of the spectrum

The abstract notion that the whole can be found in each part of something has for long fascinated thinkers engaged in all walks of philosophy and experimental science, from Immanuel Kant on the essence of time to David Bohm ...

Plants & Animals Jul 5, 2022

Eavesdropping on whales in the high Arctic

Whales are huge, but they live in an even larger environment—the world's oceans. Researchers use a range of tools to study their whereabouts, including satellite tracking, aerial surveys, sightings and deploying individual ...

Astronomy Jun 16, 2022

There could be four hostile civilizations in the Milky Way, researcher speculates

In 1977, the Big Ear Radio Telescope at Ohio State University picked up a strong narrowband signal from space. The signal was a continuous radio wave that was strong in intensity and frequency and had many expected characteristics ...

Optics & Photonics May 26, 2022

All-optical computation of a group of transformations using a polarization-encoded diffractive network

Implementing large-scale linear transformations or matrix computations plays a pivotal role in modern information processing systems. Digital computer systems need to complete up to billions of matrix operations per second ...

Optics & Photonics May 20, 2022

All-optical phase recovery and quantitative phase imaging performed instantly without a computer

Optical imaging and characterization of weakly scattering phase objects, such as isolated cells, bacteria and thin tissue sections frequently used in biological research and medical applications, have been of significant ...

Optics & Photonics May 6, 2022

LOEN: Lensless opto-electronic neural network empowered machine vision

In recent years, advancements in the immense processing ability and parallelism of modern graphics processing units (GPUs) has generated the rapid development of deep learning based on convolutional neural networks (CNN), ...

Nanomaterials Mar 21, 2022

A unimorph nanocomposite dielectric elastomer for large-scale actuation

Dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) can undergo large, reversible in-plane deformation. In a new report now published in Science Advances, Junhong Pu and a team of scientists in soft materials research and polymer science ...

Space Exploration Mar 10, 2022

What would a sustainable space environment look like?

October 4, 2022, will be an auspicious day as humanity celebrates the 65th anniversary of the beginning of the Space Age. It all began in 1957 with the launch of the Soviet satellite Sputnik-1, the first artificial satellite ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 19, 2021

Frequency translating add/drop filters designed for on-chip light manipulation

Researchers report the development of frequency translating add/drop filters based on electro-optically modulated photonic molecules. The new class of filters could open important new avenues for on-chip light manipulation.

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