Search results for mobile ad hoc networks

Software Oct 10, 2014

FireChat's revolutionary use will not be revolutionary for long

FireChat, the mobile phone app that allows users to communicate directly with each other through Bluetooth and Wi-Fi instead of through the existing telecoms network, has demonstrated its usefulness in Hong Kong recently.

Software Oct 9, 2014

Whither the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things – IoT – it's a phrase we hear more and more, often hyped, often discussed seriously in the context of cloud computing but definitely a buzz phrase. Put simply, it is the connection of "smart" (and ...

Telecom Oct 7, 2014

Mesh networks and Firechat make 'switching off the internet' that much harder

The events in Hong Kong have seen technology play a huge role in organising political protest, as much as in the days of the Arab Spring of 2011. But governments have become wise to the potential influence of Twitter, Facebook ...

Computer Sciences Aug 26, 2014

Chameleon: Cloud computing for computer science

Cloud computing has changed the way we work, the way we communicate online, even the way we relax at night with a movie. But even as "the cloud" starts to cross over into popular parlance, the full potential of the technology ...

Engineering Jun 10, 2014

From close air support to fire suppression

In the heat of battle, lives can depend on being able to coordinate troop positions safely while directing aircraft to provide close air support for ground forces. DARPA's Persistent Close Air Support (PCAS) program aims ...

Computer Sciences May 8, 2014

New network protocol for emergency and rescues

Researchers at the UPM and the Universidad de Loja from Ecuador have developed an optimizing model of routing protocol of mobile ad hoc network in emergencies and rescues.

Computer Sciences Apr 16, 2014

Ant colonies help evacuees in disaster zones

An escape route mapping system based on the behavior of ant colonies could give evacuees a better chance of reaching safe harbor after a natural disaster or terrorist attack by building a map of showing the shortest routes ...

Telecom Apr 8, 2014

Remote troops closer to having high-speed wireless networks mounted on UAVs

Missions in remote, forward operating locations often suffer from a lack of connectivity to tactical operation centers and access to valuable intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) data. The assets needed for ...

Computer Sciences Mar 14, 2014

Crowdsourcing for creating 3D videos

Advanced graphics processors, new algorithms and advanced mathematics will soon make a new 3D video technology gathering feed from multiple sources possible.

Telecom Dec 13, 2013

Radio gateway connects US and allied troops to a common mobile network

Multinational forces, U.S. government agencies and U.S. troops operating together in forward-deployed locations generally have problems communicating—and not just due to language differences. Technical incompatibility between ...

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