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Search results for hydrogels

Biotechnology May 1, 2024

Marriage of synthetic biology and 3D printing produces programmable living materials

Scientists are harnessing cells to make new types of materials that can grow, repair themselves and even respond to their environment. These solid "engineered living materials" are made by embedding cells in an inanimate ...

Bio & Medicine Apr 24, 2024

Engineers muffle invading pathogens with a 'molecular mask'

Vaccines remain the gold standard of protection against dangerous pathogens, but take considerable time and vast resources to develop. Rapidly mutating viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 can blunt their effectiveness and even render ...

General Physics Apr 23, 2024

How light can vaporize water without the need for heat

It's the most fundamental of processes—the evaporation of water from the surfaces of oceans and lakes, the burning off of fog in the morning sun, and the drying of briny ponds that leaves solid salt behind. Evaporation ...

Ecology Apr 16, 2024

New tagging method provides bioadhesive interface for marine sensors on diverse, soft and fragile species

Tagging marine animals with sensors to track and study their movements can provide researchers with important environmental and behavioral information, including energy usage, habitat changes, and migration patterns. But ...

Bio & Medicine Apr 15, 2024

Nanovials method for immune cell screening uncovers receptors that target prostate cancer

A recent UCLA study demonstrates a new process for screening T cells, part of the body's natural defenses, for characteristics vital to the success of cell-based treatments. The method filters T cells based on the receptor ...

Nanomaterials Apr 12, 2024

Novel hydrogel removes microplastics from water

Microplastics pose a great threat to human health. These tiny plastic debris can enter our bodies through the water we drink and increase the risk of illnesses. They are also an environmental hazard; found even in remote ...

Nanomaterials Apr 11, 2024

Laser-patterned thin films that swell into kirigami-like structures offer new opportunities in hydrogel technology

New options for making finely structured soft, flexible and expandable materials called hydrogels have been developed by researchers at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT).

Ecology Apr 10, 2024

Smart vest turns fish into underwater spies, providing a glimpse into aquatic life like never before

Traditional techniques for observing fish behavior, largely dependent on vision-based systems, face substantial limitations, such as a confined range of observation and a limited duration of operation underwater. In response ...

Biochemistry Apr 2, 2024

Wound treatment hydrogel infused with amino acid kills bacteria naturally and promotes cell growth

Hydrogels are popular for use in skin ailments and tissue engineering. These polymer-based biocompatible materials are useful for their abilities to retain water, deliver drugs into wounds, and biodegrade. However, they are ...

Analytical Chemistry Apr 1, 2024

Using a cellphone compass to measure tiny concentrations of compounds important for human health

Nearly every modern cellphone has a built-in compass, or magnetometer, that detects the direction of Earth's magnetic field, providing critical information for navigation. Now a team of researchers at the National Institute ...

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