Search results for historical linguistics

Political science Oct 31, 2023

Should we be worried about rising heat of political discourse? Yes, say experts

Most Americans believe political discourse has grown coarser in recent years, as old taboos against publicly cursing and attacking an opponent's family have fallen away. Politicians and their supporters call critics and opponents ...

Archaeology Oct 25, 2023

Research reconciles two dominant hypotheses of Indo-European language origin

The languages in the Indo-European family are spoken by almost half of the world's population. This group includes a huge number of languages, ranging from English and Spanish to Russian, Kurdish and Persian.

Social Sciences Sep 20, 2023

A view to killing off stereotypes

Looking for insights into geopolitics? Eager to learn about foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region? Don't rely on James Bond films for your education.

Mathematics Sep 7, 2023

How linguists are unlocking the meanings of Shakespeare's words using numbers

Today it would seem odd to describe a flower with the word "bastard"—why apply a term of personal abuse to a flower? But in Shakespeare's time, "bastard" was a technical term describing certain plants.

Social Sciences Aug 24, 2023

Protecting endangered languages feels right, but does it really help people?

Headlines abound with the plight of endangered minority languages around the world. Read a few of these and you'll see some common themes: the rising number of languages dying worldwide, the distressing isolation of individual ...

Economics & Business Aug 17, 2023

How gender inequality is hindering Japan's economic growth

Japan's economy is under pressure from rising energy prices and defense costs and the impact of the pandemic. Plummeting birth rates and an aging population further threaten the sustainability of its labor market. A 2023 ...

Archaeology Aug 14, 2023

Europe's ancient languages shed light on a great migration and weather vocabulary

Painstaking archaeological exploration is a familiar, often widely admired, method of unearthing history. Less celebrated, but also invaluable, is the piecing together of fragments of ancient languages and analyzing how they ...

Social Sciences Aug 8, 2023

Umlungu: The colorful history of a word used to describe white people in South Africa

In South Africa "umlungu" is a word that's commonly used to refer to white people. It comes from isiXhosa, the language of the country's Xhosa people. It's always been a mystery how the word originated or what it actually ...

Earth Sciences Aug 7, 2023

Storm Antoni: Why naming storms is a risky business

Since 2015, the UK's Met Office has used forenames to label storms, as a strategy for improving people's awareness of severe weather warnings. The list of names for the 2023 storm season was compiled in conjunction with the ...

Archaeology Jul 27, 2023

New insights into the origin of the Indo-European languages

An international team of linguists and geneticists led by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig has achieved a significant breakthrough in our understanding of the origins of Indo-European, ...

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