Search results for black arsenic

Ecology Mar 30, 2022

How would a nuclear winter impact food production?

The day after lead author Daniel Winstead approved the final proofs for a study to be published in Ambio, the journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Russia put its nuclear forces on high alert.

Materials Science Mar 17, 2022

Arsenic helps make black phosphorus stable for energy efficiency

The quest for thermoelectric materials that efficiently convert changes in temperature into electric voltage is challenging. For optimal performance, a material must conduct small amounts of heat and large amounts of electricity. ...

Ecology Feb 18, 2022

How racialized trauma functions as a barrier to enjoying nature

The closure of a gate at a national wildlife refuge in Denver about a decade ago ensured protection for bison, bald eagles and other wildlife inside, but also created a physical and metaphorical barrier for people living ...

Environment Jan 25, 2022

Lead lurking in your soil? New Chicago project maps distribution

Lead exposure in early childhood can have lifelong consequences, including brain damage, developmental delays, and learning and behavioral disorders. Preventing these devastating outcomes means avoiding lead, but that's ...

General Physics Oct 4, 2021

Urban mining for metals flashes forward

In what should be a win-win-win for the environment, a process developed at Rice University to extract valuable metals from electronic waste would also use up to 500 times less energy than current lab methods and produce ...

Archaeology Jul 27, 2021

Chile's ancient mummies added to UN heritage list

Chile's Chinchorro mummies, the oldest in the world to have been purposefully preserved by humans, were added to UNESCO's World Heritage List on Tuesday.

Biotechnology Jul 15, 2021

Modified yeast inhibits fungal growth in plants

About 70–80% of crop losses due to microbial diseases are caused by fungi. Fungicides are key weapons in agriculture's arsenal, but they pose environmental risks. Over time, fungi also develop a resistance to fungicides, ...

Quantum Physics Jun 9, 2021

Researchers achieve synergetic effects between spin-orbit coupling and Stark effect

Each electron carries one negative elementary charge, whose collective motion generates electric currents that drive the operation of lights, transistors and all kinds of electronic devices. However, as being an elementary ...

Environment Oct 14, 2020

Which 'milk' is best for the environment? We compared dairy, nut, soy, hemp and grain milks

Making eco-conscious choices at the shops can be tricky when we're presented with so many options, especially when it comes to milk. Should we buy plant-based milk, or dairy? We've looked at the evidence to help you choose.

Biochemistry Oct 7, 2020

2 scientists win Nobel chemistry prize for gene-editing tool

The Nobel Prize in chemistry went to two researchers Wednesday for a gene-editing tool that has revolutionized science by providing a way to alter DNA, the code of life—technology already being used to try to cure a host ...

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