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Search results for qubit

Quantum Physics Jun 5, 2024

Researchers draw inspiration from ancient Alexandria to optimize quantum simulations

One of the potential advantages of quantum computers that scientists are most hopeful about is molecular simulations. These simulations are too complex for classical computers to perform with enough accuracy, but it's possible ...

Nanophysics May 29, 2024

New device precisely controls photon emission for more efficient portable screens

Recently, a team of chemists, mathematicians, physicists and nano-engineers at the University of Twente in the Netherlands developed a device to control the emission of photons with unprecedented precision. This technology ...

Quantum Physics May 8, 2024

Physicist achieve milestone in quantum simulation with circular Rydberg qubits

A team of researchers from the 5th Institute of Physics at the University of Stuttgart is making important progress in the field of quantum simulation and quantum computing based on Rydberg atoms by overcoming a fundamental ...

Other Apr 13, 2024

Saturday Citations: Listening to bird dreams, securing qubits, imagining impossible billiards

It's Saturday, which means that in a universe where the arrow of time moves backward, people have to go to work tomorrow. In such a hypothetical universe, Garfield hates Fridays—tough to imagine. This week, we looked at ...

General Physics Apr 6, 2024

Nonvolatile quantum memory: Discovery points path to flash-like memory for storing qubits

Rice University physicists have discovered a phase-changing quantum material—and a method for finding more like it—that could potentially be used to create flash-like memory capable of storing quantum bits of information, ...

Other Mar 30, 2024

Saturday Citations: 100-year-old milk, hot qubits and another banger from the Event Horizon Telescope project

Is the milk sold today similar to the milk available 100 years ago? Here, drink this and give me your results. Also, physicists achieve superconductivity at a temperature slightly higher than 0 degrees Kelvin and slightly ...

Quantum Physics Apr 5, 2024

Quantinuum quantum computer using Microsoft's 'logical quantum bits' runs 14,000 experiments with no errors

A team of computer engineers from quantum computer maker Quantinuum, working with computer scientists from Microsoft, has found a way to greatly reduce errors when running experiments on a quantum computer. The combined group ...

Quantum Physics May 1, 2024

Researchers build new device that is a foundation for quantum computing

Scientists led by the University of Massachusetts Amherst have adapted a device called a microwave circulator for use in quantum computers, allowing them for the first time to precisely tune the exact degree of nonreciprocity ...

Quantum Physics May 9, 2024

Researchers develop compiler acceleration technology for quantum computers

Researchers have succeeded in developing a technique to quickly search for the optimal quantum gate sequence for a quantum computer using a probabilistic method.

Quantum Physics May 15, 2024

Spooky states and figure eights: Stepping into the quantum computing 'ring'

Deep in outer space, invisible hands mold the universe. One is dark matter, an unseen substance thought to bind distant galaxies. The other is dark energy, a force believed to push stellar structures apart with gravity-defying ...

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