Search results for planetesimals

Astronomy Apr 4, 2019

Heavy metal planet fragment survives destruction from dead star

A fragment of a planet that has survived the death of its star has been discovered by University of Warwick astronomers in a disc of debris formed from destroyed planets, which the star ultimately consumes.

Astronomy May 28, 2019

Stolen comets and free-floating objects

Our solar system may contain alien comets that were stolen from another star flying past 4.5 billion years ago. Far away in a distant cluster of young stars, a similar close encounter might have also sent the inter-stellar ...

Planetary Sciences Mar 15, 2023

Where did Earth's water come from? Not melted meteorites, according to scientists

Water makes up 71% of Earth's surface, but no one knows how or when such massive quantities of water arrived on Earth.

Astronomy Jun 25, 2019

Research team studies binaries to make heads or tails of planet formation

A Southwest Research Institute-led team studied the orientation of distant solar system bodies to bolster the "streaming instability" theory of planet formation.

Astronomy Apr 4, 2022

A closer look at Jupiter's origin story

One of the most important open questions in planetary formation theory is the story of Jupiter's origin. Using sophisticated computer modeling, researchers of the University of Zurich (UZH) and the National Centre of Competence ...

Space Exploration Mar 27, 2018

New study shows what interstellar visitor 'Oumuamua can teach us

The first interstellar object ever seen in our solar system, named 'Oumuamua, is giving scientists a fresh perspective on the development of planetary systems. A new study by a team including astrophysicists at NASA's Goddard ...

Earth Sciences Dec 4, 2017

Collisions after moon formation remodeled early Earth

Southwest Research Institute scientists recently modeled the protracted period of bombardment following the Moon's formation, when leftover planetesimals pounded the Earth. Based on these simulations, scientists theorize ...

Astronomy May 11, 2017

Scientists investigate debris disk in a nearby planetary system

(—Astronomers have recently presented new results of observations of a nearby planetary system known as 61 Virginis (or 61 Vir for short). The observations were focused on investigating the system's debris disk, ...

Space Exploration Oct 27, 2011

Up close, asteroid seen to be chunk of would-be planet

A rare opportunity to observe an asteroid at close quarters has unveiled a remarkable rock that seems to be a precursor of a planet, astronomers reported on Thursday.

Astronomy Aug 28, 2018

Jupiter had growth disorders

Researchers of the Universities of Bern and Zürich and of ETH Zürich show how Jupiter was formed. Data collected from meteorites had indicated that the growth of the giant planet was delayed for 2 million years. Now, the ...

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