Search results for chip

Ecology Jun 26, 2024

First radioactive rhino horns to curb poaching in S.Africa

South African scientists on Tuesday injected radioactive material into live rhino horns to make them easier to detect at border posts in a pioneering project aimed at curbing poaching.

Environment Jun 25, 2024

Half of world's lakes are less resilient to disturbance than they used to be

Nearly half of the world's large lakes have lost resilience, or the ability to bounce back after an abrupt disturbance, in recent decades, according to the first global assessment of long-term changes in lake resilience. ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 25, 2024

3D-printed chip sensor detects foodborne pathogens for safer products

Every so often, a food product is recalled because of some sort of contamination. For consumers of such products, a recall can trigger doubt in the safety and reliability of what they eat and drink. In many cases, a recall ...

Astrobiology Jun 25, 2024

Detecting intelligent life that's light years away: Greenhouse gases could signal alien activity

If aliens modified a planet in their solar system to make it warmer, we'd be able to tell. A new UC Riverside study identifies the artificial greenhouse gases that would be giveaways of a terraformed planet.

Optics & Photonics Jun 21, 2024

Researchers stabilize photon interference in optical chips using topological wave propagation

A collaboration of Professor Szameit's research group at the University of Rostock with researchers from the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg has succeeded in stabilizing the interference of two photons in optical chips ...

Environment Jun 21, 2024

Baltimore sues Coke, Pepsi and other producers of plastic, citing pollution concerns

Baltimore City filed suit on June 20 against several companies that produce plastics, arguing they should foot the bill for cleaning up plastic pollution on city streets and in the city's bodies of water.

Optics & Photonics Jun 20, 2024

New photonic chip spawns nested topological frequency comb

Scientists on the hunt for compact and robust sources of multicolored laser light have generated the first topological frequency comb. Their result, which relies on a small silicon nitride chip patterned with hundreds of ...

Social Sciences Jun 20, 2024

Lynn Conway was a trans woman in tech—and underappreciated for decades after she helped launch the computing revolution

Lynn Conway may hold the record for longest delay between being unfairly fired and receiving an apology for it. In 1968, IBM—a company that now covers its logo in a rainbow flag each June for Pride Month—fired Conway ...

Planetary Sciences Jun 19, 2024

Researchers find wave activity on Titan may be strong enough to erode the coastlines of lakes and seas

Titan, Saturn's largest moon, is the only other planetary body in the solar system that currently hosts active rivers, lakes, and seas. These otherworldly river systems are thought to be filled with liquid methane and ethane ...

Ecology Jun 19, 2024

The fading boundary between farmers and tigers in the Himalayas

A river in the foothills of the Himalayas separates tigers and farmers and nurtures both wildlife and agriculture. But now that the river is drying up, conflicts between the two are increasing, endangering the habitat of ...

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