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Earth Sciences 18 hours ago

Geological archives may predict our climate future

By analyzing 56-million-year-old sediments, a UNIGE team has measured the increase in soil erosion caused by global warming, synonymous with major flooding.

Ecology 19 hours ago

In a world-first, researchers map a 4,200 km transatlantic flight of the painted lady butterfly

In October 2013, Gerard Talavera, a researcher from the Botanical Institute of Barcelona at CSIC, made a surprising discovery of painted lady butterflies on the Atlantic beaches of French Guiana—a species not typically ...

Astrobiology 19 hours ago

Detecting intelligent life that's light years away: Greenhouse gases could signal alien activity

If aliens modified a planet in their solar system to make it warmer, we'd be able to tell. A new UC Riverside study identifies the artificial greenhouse gases that would be giveaways of a terraformed planet.

Condensed Matter 19 hours ago

A high-temperature superconductor with zero resistance that exhibits strange metal behavior

Researchers at Zhejiang University and Sun Yat-Sen University have gathered evidence of high-temperature superconductivity with zero resistance and strange metal behavior in a material identified in their previous studies.

Astronomy 19 hours ago

Astronomers study evolution of a giant outburst in X-ray binary EXO 2030+375

An international team of astronomers has observed an X-ray binary system known as EXO 2030+375. Results of the observation campaign, presented in a research paper published June 18 on the pre-print server arXiv, provide more ...

Earth Sciences 19 hours ago

Study finds strong path dependence in Plio-Pleistocene glaciations through climate model simulations

The climate modeling community has been particularly vexed by the glacial/interglacial cycles of the past three million years, when the Northern Hemisphere oscillated between times with and without large ice sheets.

Astronomy 21 hours ago

Using sound waves, scientists develop findings that challenge standard theories of solar convection

A team of solar physicists at NYU Abu Dhabi's Center for Astrophysics and Space Science (CASS), led by Research Scientist Chris S. Hanson, Ph.D., has revealed the interior structure of the sun's supergranules, a flow structure ...

Plants & Animals 21 hours ago

Australia's giant lizards help save sheep from being eaten alive

Giant lizards called heath goannas could save Australian sheep farmers millions of dollars a year by keeping blowfly numbers down—and must be prioritized in conservation schemes to boost native wildlife, say researchers.

Plants & Animals Jun 24, 2024

New research shows why you don't need to be perfect to get the job done

When neuroscientists think about the strategy an animal might use to carry out a task—like finding food, hunting prey, or navigating a maze—they often propose a single model that lays out the best way for the animal to ...

Astronomy Jun 24, 2024

Revived technology used to count individual photons from distant galaxies

Using an instrument on the 4.1-meter Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope, researchers have obtained the first astronomical spectrum using skipper charge-coupled devices (CCDs).

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