Search results for virtual trails

General Physics Jan 24, 2023

A new approach to solving the mystery of dark energy (Update)

What is behind dark energy—and what connects it to the cosmological constant introduced by Albert Einstein? Two physicists from the University of Luxembourg point the way to answering these open questions of physics.

Ecology Nov 15, 2022

Ants' farming practices and efficient navigation techniques could inspire solutions for human problems

King Solomon may have gained some of his famed wisdom from an unlikely source—ants.

Space Exploration Aug 18, 2022

Outer space is not the 'Wild West': There are clear rules for peace and war

The release of the first images taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope will inspire generations with the infinite possibilities that outer space holds. Clearly, we have a responsibility to ensure that only peaceful, safe, ...

Ecology Jun 29, 2022

Wetland selfies: Project promotes citizen science

Participating in citizen science is as easy as snapping a photo on your smartphone.

Social Sciences Jan 21, 2022

Why you might want to consider a pilgrimage for your next holiday or day trip

We have been living in a COVID-19 pandemic world for two years—and almost everything about our lives has been affected. Travel and holidays in particular have been constrained through border closures and lockdowns. It's ...

Plants & Animals Jan 20, 2022

Peanut researchers create disease-resistant hybrids

Georgia farmers produce half the peanuts grown in the U.S. each year, using proven production practices to fight disease in the field. In fact, modern peanut varieties carry little genetic defenses against some of the more ...

Plasma Physics Jan 11, 2022

Common household cleaner can boost effort to harvest fusion energy on Earth

Scientists have found that adding a common household cleaning agent—the mineral boron contained in such cleaners as borax—can vastly improve the ability of some fusion energy devices to contain the heat required to produce ...

Plants & Animals Jan 11, 2022

Petition seeks to move captive coyote from forest preserve cage to animal sanctuary

On a recent morning with wind chills below zero, at a Cook County, Illinois, forest preserve, a coyote paced back and forth inside a cage, turning tight figures eights, peering out through the wires. With sharp teeth and ...

Education Nov 22, 2021

Bringing the metaverse to life: How I built a virtual reality for my students, and what I've learned along the way

We've been hearing a lot recently about the metaverse—a vision for the internet which uses technology like virtual and augmented reality to integrate real and digital worlds. With Facebook changing its name to Meta to focus ...

Education Nov 9, 2021

4 unexpected places where adults can learn science

Modern society benefits when people understand science concepts. This knowledge helps explain how cryptocurrency works, why climate change is happening or how the coronavirus is transmitted from person to person.

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