Search results for tiny inclusions

Astronomy Jan 11, 2023

Cosmic superbubble's magnetic field charted in 3D for the first time

Astronomers at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian (CfA) have unveiled a first-of-its-kind map that could help answer decades-old questions about the origins of stars and the influences of magnetic fields ...

Earth Sciences Nov 17, 2022

Tiniest ever ancient seawater pockets revealed

Trapped for millennia, the tiniest liquid remnants of an ancient inland sea have now been revealed. The surprising discovery of seawater sealed in what is now North America for 390 million years opens up a new avenue for ...

Environment Nov 7, 2022

Climate summit talks begin with breakthrough on loss and damage from extreme weather

U.N. climate talks began in Egypt with a breakthrough agreement to discuss who pays for damages caused by increasingly extreme weather events—an issue that had exposed splits between rich and poor nations.

Cell & Microbiology Aug 12, 2022

Cousin of crop-killing bacteria mutating rapidly

A bacterial species closely related to deadly citrus greening disease is rapidly evolving its ability to infect insect hosts, and possibly plants as well.

General Physics Jul 26, 2022

Researchers develop novel 3D atomic force microscopy probes

A team of researchers from NYU Abu Dhabi's Advanced Microfluidics and Microdevices Laboratory (AMMLab) have developed new kind of Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) probes in true three-dimensional shapes they call 3DTIPs. AFM ...

Archaeology Jul 7, 2022

Unlocking the secrets of the ancient coastal Maya

Georgia State University anthropologist Dr. Jeffrey Glover grew up in metro Atlanta, but speaking to him, it sounds like his heart is in Quintana Roo. This part of Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula has been the home base for an ...

Plants & Animals Jun 27, 2022

People-powered research and experiential learning: Unraveling hidden biodiversity

Ask any scientist—for every "Eureka!" moment, there's a lot of less-than-glamorous work behind the scenes. Making discoveries about everything from a new species of dinosaur to insights about climate change entails some ...

Soft Matter Jun 24, 2022

Making the invisible visible: The remarkable journey of a powerhouse space microscope

Colloids are mixtures of microscopic particles suspended in fluids—substances that are part solid, part liquid. Colloids are found in products including toothpaste, ketchup, paint and liquid hand soap, and are part of a ...

Plants & Animals Jun 14, 2022

Native bee key to social evolution: Bridge between flying solo or as a colony

Studying the unusual social behavior of an Australian native bee has enabled Flinders University researchers to obtain a clear understanding about the earliest stages of social evolution.

Earth Sciences May 26, 2022

Arc volcanoes are wetter than previously thought, with scientific and economic implications

The percentage of water in arc volcanoes, which form above subduction zones, may be far more than many previous studies have calculated.

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