Search results for soap films

Mathematics Nov 17, 2021

A brief history of minimal surfaces and the ants that love them

Consider a soap bubble. The way it contains the minimal possible surface area is surprisingly efficient. This is not a trivial issue. Mathematicians have been looking for better ways to calculate minimal surfaces for hundreds ...

Soft Matter Aug 17, 2021

Wash your hands for 20 seconds: Physics shows why

Though hand-washing is proven effective in combating the spread of disease and infection, the physics behind it has rarely been studied. But in Physics of Fluids, researchers from Hammond Consulting Limited describe a simple ...

Materials Science Jun 17, 2021

Foam 'fizzics'

Chemical engineers at the University of Illinois Chicago and UCLA have answered longstanding questions about the underlying processes that determine the life cycle of liquid foams. The breakthrough could help improve the ...

Materials Science May 18, 2021

Bipolar order: A straightforward technique to have more control over organic thin films

Modern and emerging applications in various fields have found creative uses for organic thin films (TFs); some prominent examples include sensors, photovoltaic systems, transistors, and optoelectronics. However, the methods ...

Analytical Chemistry Apr 20, 2021

The mystery of a Picasso unveiled by scientists

In the summer of 1917 in Barcelona, Picasso worked on four paintings inspired by Ballets Russes, using a similar set of material for all of them, including seven pigments, drying oils, animal glue, and canvas. The four paintings ...

Plants & Animals Apr 15, 2021

Recent wildlife documentaries affect public understanding of wider conservation

Research led by the University of Kent's Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) has found that the personification of animals in recent wildlife documentaries leads to significant misinformation and creates ...

Materials Science Mar 22, 2021

Dry ice, the unsung hero of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, explained

Robert Levis dumped chunks of a whitish substance into a beaker of water, and immediately the liquid began frothing and churning like a sorcerer's potion, spewing plumes of fog across the table of his office at Temple University.

General Physics Feb 8, 2021

Shuffling bubbles reveal how liquid foams evolve

Foams are found everywhere, in soaps and detergents, meringues, beer foam, cosmetics and insulation for clothing and building. The application of foams tends to take advantage of their unique structure, which is why understanding ...

Nanomaterials Jan 27, 2021

A little soap simplifies making 2-D nanoflakes

Just a little soap helps clean up the challenging process of preparing two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride (hBN).

Soft Matter Nov 23, 2020

Studies explore fluids in pancakes, beer, and the kitchen sink

Mechanical engineer Roberto Zenit spent the summer of 2019 trying to solve a problem that now plagues science departments around the world: How can hands-on fluid dynamics experiments, usually carried out in well-stocked ...

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