Search results for remote controlled submarine

Robotics Oct 3, 2018

No more Iron Man—submarines now have soft, robotic arms

The human arm can perform a wide range of extremely delicate and coordinated movements, from turning a key in a lock to gently stroking a puppy's fur. The robotic "arms" on underwater research submarines, however, are hard, ...

Archaeology Aug 15, 2018

Stern of World War II US destroyer discovered off remote Alaskan island (Update)

For almost 75 years, the stern of the destroyer USS Abner Read lay somewhere below the dark surface of the Bering Sea off the Aleutian island of Kiska, where it sank after being torn off by an explosion while conducting an ...

Earth Sciences Jul 2, 2018

Fleet of aerial, surface, and underwater robots maps ocean front

Using multiple autonomous vehicles simultaneously, an interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers returns to the United States after exploring the North Pacific Subtropical front—a sharp boundary where cold fresh ...

Earth Sciences Jun 22, 2018

Photographic processing unlocks more secrets from HMAS AE1 shipwreck

Australia's first submarine, lost at sea for over 100 years, continues to reveal its secret history through advanced 3-D processing techniques of underwater still photography.

Environment Jun 4, 2018

New invention safely transports unknown, deep-dwelling fishes to the ocean's surface

Strange and beautiful fishes from the ocean's deep and lesser-known twilight zone reefs are hitching a ride to the surface thanks to the newly invented SubCAS (or Submersible Chamber for Ascending Specimens). This ingenious ...

Materials Science Jun 4, 2018

Scientists propose new method to increase extraction of hard-to-recover hydrocarbons

More than 40 percent of oil reserves in Russia are hard to recover. Scientists from the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI have proposed an effective method of increasing the production of such fields that does not ...

Plants & Animals Apr 10, 2018

Research paints underwater pictures with sound

Silent marine robots that record sounds underwater are allowing researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) to listen to the oceans as never before.

Environment Mar 8, 2018

New insights into biodiversity hotspots could help protect them from potential deep-sea mining

New insights into animal patterns around extinct submarine volcanoes could inform measures used to protect marine ecosystems from human activities, such as trawling and deep-sea mining. These insights have been published ...

Robotics Jan 25, 2018

Robots to the rescue: Saving lives with unmanned vehicles

Last week's sea rescue of Australian swimmers by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is just the start of a robotics revolution.

Plants & Animals Dec 18, 2017

Marine robots detect whales in the deep ocean

Scientists at the University of East Anglia have been recording the sounds made by whales and porpoises off the coast of northern Scotland – using a fleet of pioneering marine robots.

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