Search results for purcell enhancement

Plants & Animals Oct 4, 2016

Loner spiders prevail as pioneers

A spider looking to immigrate to a different environment is three to four times more likely to survive if it goes by itself, as opposed to as part of a group.

Nanomaterials Jul 12, 2016

A signal boost for molecular microscopy

Carbon nanotubes can be produced with a variety of shapes and properties and are therefore of much interest for widespread applications in fields as diverse as electronics, photonics, nanomechanics, and quantum optics. Hence ...

Optics & Photonics Apr 25, 2016

Rare Earth atoms see the light: Promising route for combined optical, solid state-based quantum information processing

Tiny units of matter and chemistry that they are, atoms constitute the entire universe. Some rare atoms can store quantum information, an important phenomenon for scientists in their ongoing quest for a quantum Internet.

Plants & Animals Apr 18, 2016

Raft-building ants exhibit memory and repeatedly occupy the same position when forming rafts

A team of scientists has found that a species of ant that clusters together to form rafts to survive floods exhibits memory and repeatedly occupies the same position during raft formation, according to a just published paper.

Quantum Physics Feb 15, 2016

A new spin on quantum computing: Scientists train electrons with microwaves

In what may provide a potential path to processing information in a quantum computer, researchers have switched an intrinsic property of electrons from an excited state to a relaxed state on demand using a device that served ...

Nanophysics Nov 30, 2015

Whisper gallery modes in silicon nanocones intensify luminescence

Silicon, a semiconducting material, reveals new talents when reduced to nanoscopic dimensions. A joint team at the HZB Institute of Nanoarchitectures for Energy Conversion and the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 12, 2014

Revving up fluorescence for superfast LEDs: Researchers set speed record for molecular fluorescence

Duke University researchers have made fluorescent molecules emit photons of light 1,000 times faster than normal—setting a speed record and making an important step toward realizing superfast light emitting diodes (LEDs) ...

Earth Sciences Aug 19, 2014

Has the puzzle of rapid climate change in the last ice age been solved?

Over the past one hundred thousand years cold temperatures largely prevailed over the planet in what is known as the last ice age. However, the cold period was repeatedly interrupted by much warmer climate conditions. Scientists ...

Nanophysics Apr 22, 2014

Bright lights, small crystals: Scientists use nanoparticles to capture images of single molecules

When imaging at the single-molecule level, small irregularities known as heterogeneities become apparent – features that are lost in higher-scale, so-called ensemble imaging. At the same time, it has until recently been ...

Plants & Animals Feb 19, 2014

Ants build raft to escape flood, protect queen

When facing a flood, ants build rafts and use both the buoyancy of the brood and the recovery ability of workers to minimize injury or death, according to a study published in PLOS ONE on February 19, 2014 by Jessica Purcell ...

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