Search results for phd program

Quantum Physics Oct 22, 2020

Control ions for quantum computing and sensing via on-chip fiber optics

Walk into a quantum lab where scientists trap ions, and you'll find benchtops full of mirrors and lenses, all focusing lasers to hit an ion "trapped" in place above a chip. By using lasers to control ions, scientists have ...

Economics & Business Oct 14, 2020

AI-related job growth correlates to improved social welfare through economic growth

Artificial intelligence carries the promise of making industry more efficient and our lives easier. With that promise, however, also comes the fear of job replacement, hollowing out of the middle class, increased income inequality, ...

Political science Oct 1, 2020

Electoral college could undermine voter confidence, study finds

If a candidate wins the presidency in the electoral college but loses the popular vote in 2020—a repeat of what happened in 2000 and in 2016—the damage to Americans' faith in the election process would be substantial, ...

Plants & Animals Aug 5, 2020

An inventory providing information on more than 200 viruses that infect plants in Brazil

A Brazilian scientist has produced an inventory of 219 pathogens that infect plants in Brazil, including many agriculturally important species. The annotated list, published in Biota Neotropica, is the largest compilation ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 19, 2020

Scientists suggest using gold nanoparticle metasurfaces to determine substance molecular composition

A new method will make it possible to create compact devices that will accurately determine molecular composition of a liquid or gas, and help identify potentially dangerous chemical compounds. The results of the work carried ...

Environment Jul 17, 2020

App will track harmful dust from bauxite mining in Guinea

In western Guinea, near where the Tinguilinta River meets the Atlantic Ocean, a concrete jetty extends about 275 meters into the river's channel. The jetty is equipped with a conveyor belt system, which facilitates the transport ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 30, 2020

Algae tasked with producing COVID-19 test kits

Researchers at Western and Suncor are teaming up to use algae as a way to produce serological test kits for COVID-19 – a new process that overcomes shortfalls of existing processes while saving money.

Environment Dec 19, 2019

How can we make residential neighborhoods more sustainable by 2050?

If the aim of a 2,000 Watt Society is to be achieved, peri-urban residential neighborhoods—where the average single-family home consumes 6.5 times more power than that target—must adapt. An EPFL thesis, which has just ...

Earth Sciences Nov 22, 2019

New technology developed to improve forecasting of earthquakes, tsunamis

University of South Florida geoscientists have successfully developed and tested a new high-tech shallow water buoy that can detect the small movements and changes in the Earth's seafloor that are often a precursor to deadly ...

Political science Nov 5, 2019

Algorithms seek out voter fraud

Concerns over voter fraud have surged in recent years, especially after federal officials reported that Russian hackers attempted to access voter records in the 2016 presidential election. Administrative voting errors have ...

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