Search results for giant snake

Earth Sciences May 10, 2023

Salt delivery from the Indian Ocean helped end multiple ice ages, finds study

Scientists from St Andrews and Cardiff Universities, along with international colleagues, have discovered the source of warm super salty water that rushed up the Atlantic 15,000 years ago, ushering in the end of the last ...

Ecology Apr 29, 2023

Scientists take a portable laboratory into the Amazon to study adaptation of trees to drought

As an ecologist, Dr. Julia Tavares often has to consider how to collect data from remote locations.

Paleontology & Fossils Mar 16, 2023

Australia's extinct giant eagle was big enough to snatch koalas from trees, suggest study

The year is 1959. Speleologists descend a 17-meter shaft to explore the depths of Mairs Cave in the southern Flinders Ranges. Some 55 meters into the main chamber, they find fossils scattered throughout a boulder pile. Among ...

Ecology Feb 13, 2023

As pythons in Florida try to hide, they face a new enemy: Possums with GPS collars

Wildlife researchers studying mammals in Key Largo have discovered a potentially groundbreaking—if not heartbreaking—way to locate and kill invasive Burmese pythons, especially the big ones.

Evolution Jan 20, 2023

Could feral animals in Australia become distinct species? Some early signs that it's possible

You might think evolution is glacially slow. At a species level, that's true. But evolution happens every time organisms produce offspring. The everyday mixing of genes—combined with mutations—throws up new generations ...

Plants & Animals Jan 3, 2023

In defense of rodents: Why healthy ecosystems need them

You might think you have the measure of the rodent family. Perhaps just the word "rodent" conjures images of invasive rats, those urban denizens accused of spreading pathogens and parasites, chewing through wires and spoiling ...

Environment Dec 29, 2022

In Arizona, Colorado River crisis stokes worry over growth and groundwater depletion

Kathleen Ferris stared across a desert valley dotted with creosote bushes, wondering where the water will come from to supply tens of thousands of new homes. In the distance, a construction truck rumbled along a dirt road, ...

Ecology Nov 22, 2022

What planting tomatoes shows us about climate change

There's a piece of gardening lore in my hometown which has been passed down for generations: never plant your tomatoes before Show Day, which, in Tasmania, is the fourth Saturday in October. If you're foolhardy enough to ...

Plants & Animals Nov 21, 2022

Verified after two decades: The fourth anaconda species

Two decades after having described a new Anaconda species based on morphological characteristics, a team guided by David Tarknishvili succeeded in extracting DNA from some old, pre-existing tissue samples. They used these ...

Paleontology & Fossils Nov 15, 2022

Vulnerable giants: Fractured skulls shed light on possible prehistoric hunting patterns

The remains of glyptodonts, a group of extinct giant armadillos, indicate that humans spread to South America earlier than previously assumed. Found in northwestern Venezuela, the fractured skulls could represent evidence ...

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