Search results for geophysical principles

Planetary Sciences Jan 10, 2022

Ocean physics explain cyclones on Jupiter

Hurtling around Jupiter and its 79 moons is the Juno spacecraft, a NASA-funded satellite that sends images from the largest planet in our solar system back to researchers on Earth. These photographs have given oceanographers ...

Plants & Animals Dec 14, 2021

Researchers test physics of coral as an indicator of reef health

Vast amounts of energy flow around the ocean as waves, tides and currents, eventually impacting coasts, including coral reefs that provide food, income and coastal protection to more than 500 million people. This water movement ...

Condensed Matter Dec 10, 2021

Seeing deeper with atmospheric muons: From archaeology to geology

Muon imaging, or "muography," may be a niche field, but with uses in probing both man-made and natural structures, its appeal is expanding rapidly. A new open-access review published in Reviews in Physics by Lorenzo Bonechi ...

Other Dec 8, 2021

Designing science to be more transferable, open, and equitable via ICON principles

It all started with an observation.

Earth Sciences Nov 24, 2021

New breakthrough in surface-based groundwater measurement

Based on recent breakthroughs in instruments and data modeling, researchers from the Department of Geoscience and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Aarhus University have collaborated to develop an ...

Earth Sciences Oct 18, 2021

Did the Earth tip on its side 84 million years ago?

Hold on to your hats, because scientists have found more evidence that Earth tips over from time to time. We know that the continents are moving slowly due to plate tectonics, but continental drift only pushes the tectonic ...

Archaeology Oct 11, 2021

Oldest footprints of pre-humans identified in Crete

The oldest known footprints of pre-humans were found on the Mediterranean island of Crete and are at least six million years old, says an international team of researchers from Germany, Sweden, Greece, Egypt and England, ...

Earth Sciences Sep 22, 2021

Melting of polar ice shifting Earth itself, not just sea levels

The melting of polar ice is not only shifting the levels of our oceans, it is changing the planet Earth itself. Newly minted Ph.D. Sophie Coulson and her colleagues explained in a recent paper in Geophysical Research Letters ...

General Physics Sep 13, 2021

Using acoustics to conceal and simulate objects

When listening to music, we don't just hear the notes produced by the instruments, we are also immersed in its echoes from our surroundings. Sound waves bounce back off the walls and objects around us, forming a characteristic ...

Plasma Physics Sep 8, 2021

New superconducting magnet breaks magnetic field strength records, paving the way for fusion energy

It was a moment three years in the making, based on intensive research and design work: On Sept. 5, for the first time, a large high-temperature superconducting electromagnet was ramped up to a field strength of 20 tesla, ...

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