See also stories tagged with Geoengineering

Search results for geoengineering

Earth Sciences Nov 15, 2023

Climate engineering could slow Antarctic ice loss, study says

Scattering sunlight-reflecting particles in the atmosphere could slow rapid melting in West Antarctica and reduce the risk of catastrophic sea-level rise, according to a study led by Indiana University researchers.

Environment Nov 11, 2023

World temperatures will blow past Paris goals this decade, asserts new study

According to a new paper by scientists from a dozen institutions, the world's average temperature will surpass 1.5°C above preindustrial times within the next several years—much faster than most existing forecasts. The ...

Environment Nov 4, 2023

Mother Nature knows best when it comes to climate solutions, social media users say

A survey of more than a million social media posts suggests that people feel more positive about nature's ability to solve climate change than human technology, according to new research published in the journal Global Environmental ...

Environment Oct 30, 2023

Study shows support for carbon removal but great concern over solar manipulation

According to forecasts, even the strategy to gradually reduce climate gas emissions to zero everywhere will no longer be enough to limit global heating to well below 2°C. Today, the discussion is also about "negative emissions," ...

Environment Oct 11, 2023

Why climate change is a national security risk

Climate change is affecting practically everything on Earth, from natural systems to human endeavors. National security is no exception. The National Intelligence Council has found that "climate change will increasingly exacerbate ...

Earth Sciences Oct 5, 2023

Climate intervention technologies may create winners and losers in world food supply

A technology being studied to curb climate change—one that could be put in place in one or two decades if work on the technology began now—would affect food productivity in parts of Earth in dramatically different ways, ...

Environment Sep 14, 2023

Negative coverage can impact opinion on climate engineering research, study finds

New research published in the journal Climatic Change finds that media coverage can have long-lasting impacts on public opinion when it comes to technological solutions to deal with climate change, such as reflecting sunlight ...

Astrobiology Sep 14, 2023

Could we find aliens terraforming other worlds?

The first early humans to use fire had no inkling of what it would lead to.

Earth Sciences Aug 22, 2023

Viewpoint: Without more research and guardrails, geoengineering is a costly gamble, with potentially harmful results

When soaring temperatures, extreme weather and catastrophic wildfires hit the headlines, people start asking for quick fixes to climate change. The U.S. government just announced the first awards from a US$3.5 billion fund ...

Earth Sciences Aug 11, 2023

Could artificially dimming the sun prevent ice melt?

With methods of so-called geoengineering, the climate could theoretically be artificially influenced and cooled. Bernese researchers have now investigated whether it would be possible to prevent the melting of the West Antarctic ...

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