Search results for fluids

Space Exploration Jun 25, 2024

Predicting changes inside astronauts' bodies during space travel through blood sample analysis

The acceleration of space exploration, promoted by astronaut recruitment and private space travel, heralds an imminent future where space travel becomes increasingly common. However, numerous questions persist regarding the ...

General Physics Jun 25, 2024

Model shows how plankton survive in a turbulent world

How do particles move in turbulent fluids? The answer to this question can be found in a new model presented in a thesis from the University of Gothenburg. The model could help speed up the development of new drugs.

General Physics Jun 25, 2024

How 'sticky' is dense nuclear matter?

Colliding heavy atomic nuclei together creates a fluidlike soup of visible matter's fundamental building blocks, quarks and gluons. This soup has very low viscosity—a measure of its "stickiness," or resistance to flow.

Analytical Chemistry Jun 24, 2024

Secrets of salt drop stains unveiled: New research decodes chemical composition from simple photos

Imagine zooming in on a dried drop of salt solution—each pattern a unique masterpiece, reminiscent of abstract art, yet no larger than the size of a penny.

Astrobiology Jun 24, 2024

Hydrothermal vents on seafloors of 'ocean worlds' could support life, new study says

We've all seen the surreal footage in nature documentaries showing hydrothermal vents on the frigid ocean floor—bellowing black plumes of super-hot water—and the life forms that cling to them. Now, a new study by UC Santa ...

Environment Jun 21, 2024

How does heat kill? It confuses your brain. It shuts down your organs. It overworks your heart.

As temperatures and humidity soar outside, what's happening inside the human body can become a life-or-death battle decided by just a few degrees.

Nanomaterials Jun 21, 2024

Scientists discover new behavior of membranes that could lead to unprecedented separations

Imagine a close basketball game that comes down to the final shot. The probability of the ball going through the hoop might be fairly low, but it would dramatically increase if the player were afforded the opportunity to ...

Bio & Medicine Jun 21, 2024

Advances in nanoscale force measurement opens doors to unprecedented biological insights

New research has revealed a new way to measure incredibly minute forces at the nanoscale in water, pushing the boundaries of what scientists know about the microscopic world.

Space Exploration Jun 21, 2024

Scientists use heart and lung model to calculate potential health threats facing future space tourists in microgravity

Space exploration has always captivated our imagination, offering the promise of discovering new worlds and pushing the boundaries of human capability. As commercial space travel becomes more accessible, individuals with ...

Earth Sciences Jun 20, 2024

The 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake: A long, quiet initial rupture leading to multiplex fault ruptures

At approximately 4:10 p.m. on January 1, 2024, the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture in Japan was hit by a large earthquake with a moment magnitude (Mw) of 7.5. This earthquake, known as the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake, ...

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